
Can anyone recommend a good but affordable hotel in Verona?

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Want to do some sightseeing and then are going to the theatre in the Roman Amphitheatre on the Firday night so would like to be close to there. Thanks!




  1. I can reccommend Albergo Arena, a 1 star hotel in the center of Verona: more details here:

  2. Here are a list of Verona Hotels that i found. The rating for Accademia Hotel are good, and it's only about 200 euros.

  3. Just a follow up to the previous answer - aim for somewhere with air con - I'm just back from Verona and it was mega hot.

    The cheaper seats in the amphitheatre (stone steps towards the outer rim) are very hard, but they benefit from air flow (around midnight!) which the expensive ones down in the pit don't get.

  4. try or, or

    if not happy with your search then try or simply www.verona, italy

    or try typing in     La Tana, Verona, italy.

    It is a B&B very inexpensive.

  5. I live about an hour south of Verona, but stay there fairly frequently when I have an early flight out of the Verona airport. There are several hotels convenient to Piazza Bra where l'Arena is. The one I like best is Hotel Verona It's a 5 minute or less walk to l'Arena, and has free wireless internet.

    Right now, everything in Verona is very expensive and prices will continue to be elevated through the tourist season. Even the hotel out past the train station that often goes for around 85 - 90 euro per night is 190 euro per night. Most of the cheaper options will all be well away from the old town. You can use the venere site to check options for your specific dates: This will allow you to sort by district in the city (using the map option), price, rating, ...

    You might also check the Hotel Trieste on your specific dates. It's a two star about a block further from the Arena than Hotel Verona. I haven't stayed there, but it is somewhat cheaper and has good reviews:

  6. I found a link for hotels in verona:

    have a great trip! i hope you find one that fits your budget!

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