
Can anyone recommend a good digital camera? that takes good close ups?

by Guest59920  |  earlier

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Can anyone recommend a good digital camera that is at least 7 mp and that takes good close ups?

I am willing to pay up to about £150!

thanks in advance.




  1. hi.i have just bought the 8mp canon ixus 950 is(image stabilisation)for 149.99 from argos.reduced from 330!!it has a 4x optical zoom.also got a free 2gb memory card!hope this helps?

  2. fujifilm s8000 has 10 million pixels and optical zoom of 18!! that will get you mega close!!

  3. your best bet is to get any camera body [Canon is the best though] and then buy a macro lens

    very pricey but takes amazing photos

  4. Canon

    hands down, one of the best makes there is,

    mine is great

  5. canon ixus 70 or 75--and even tho they're 7.1mp, you'd think it's way more than that

    or basically and canon-id say they're the best make around tbh!

  6. please you do need to make your own chioce just go to there are thousands of digital cameras of varrious prices in that range  and get the best after reading and knowing all information about how it functions

  7. Casio Exilim EX-Z8. it has x3 optical zoom

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