
Can anyone recommend a good horse shampoo?

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Can anyone recommend a good horse shampoo? One that's not too expensive?

And also a good product to use on a wiry, easily tangled mane and tail?

Can you use the shampoo on the mane and tail as well, or do you need to buy a different one for that?

I don't really care what sort of shampoo it is- are colour enhancing ones any good? It's for a dark dun/ light bay horse- basically she's got a black mane and tail and a copper coloured coat with black legs- like an exmoor pony only a little lighter




  1. ive heard gallop shampoo is good although i havent tried it myself as my pony freaks at the hose pipe and bombs of. LOL. for the mane and tail wash them with the normal shampoo and then when they are near enough dry spray them with a good mane a tail conditioner spray and brush them. this is especially designed to remove tangles and make them shiny.

  2. The less shampoo you use on a horse the better, if you have to use a shampoo and want to save on $$ go to the local drug store of your choice and buy a baby shampoo.  If you go to the tack store and buy special horse shampoo, there is a top dollar price on it just because.  

    For tangle control, you can use conditioner when you are shampooing, again, drug store kind not tack shop.  Personally I like to use the silicone based Armour all that they use for the cars.  I gut it in Walmart or anywhere that sells vehicle cleaning products.  With the silicone, the dirt does not stick, and the burrs and other debris slide out.  

  3. Honestly, I just use 2in1 human shampoo. It smells fruity and looks lovely.

    I use fairly liquid to whiten the socks of my horse..

    And for the tail.. I just sue Mr. Sheen. Mr Sheen works so much better than any main and tail I have ever bought. It is alot cheaper and lasts alot longer as well.

    Give it a go :)

  4. It is called Mane and Tail horse shampoo. It works great. You can get it at walmart in the pet section, and the best part is, you can use it on your own hair. It does wonders.

  5. i love cowboy magic shampoo and conditioner. it works great and it smells good. :)

  6. Rio Vista

  7. mane and tail brand

  8. I always use VO5 on ours.

    You can use it on tails and everything. Once it's all rinsed out spray with mane and tail spray and comb through - that stops it from tangling.

  9. Actually, I use products at Target like baby shampoo.  They are not as expensive and they work great.

  10. I like to use Cowboy Magic. It is not very expensive and it is really good for shampoo and conditioner.  

  11. head and sholder

  12. Orvus - paste shampoo. Can find it at cost some, but get many washes out of it. Put a dollop that would fit inside a coke bottle lid in a 5 gallon bucket and you can wash several horses. Use on body, mane, and tail.

    Show Sheen - detangler. Spray on entire body with extra on main and tail. Leaves body and mane and tail feeling slick and looking shiny. Helps prevent future tangles as well.

    White & Brite - if your horse has any white, you can put a little in your wash bucket and then apply some directly to the white patches and rub in well then wash away. Leaves them very white. Good luck.


                             I THINK AT ANY TACK SHOP

  14. For shampoo, I like Orvus.  Inexpensive, does the trick, and it doesn't take much to make a good lather.  You can use it on mane and tail as well, but after washing and drying, I like Cowboy Magic detangler.  It works great.  Makes their mane and tail much easier to comb through.

  15. I use supermarket's own brand baby shampoo on all of my animals,it's very cheap and works just as well as any animal shampoo, as it's baby shampoo it's very mild and doesn't isn't irritable on the skin.

    I use it on manes and tails too but use a cheap conditioner afterwards.

    For stubborn stable or grass stains the best thing is washing up liquid and white vinegar mixed 50/50

  16. many of the girls at my stables, use human shampoo, as it's cheaper for the amount and it does just as well, sometimes better.

  17. Rio makes a good shampoo and conditioner. You can use the same shampoo on the body, mane and tail.

    You can also use people shampoos and conditioners on your horses. I really like the Aussie Moist conditioner for manes and tails. For shampoo I usually just get the Suave brand. Its cheap and it works well.

    I have only used color enhancing shampoo long enough to empty the bottle and I wasn't empressed with the results.

    I have one guy who's mane and tail are really thick. It tangles easy and his tail curls into ringlets. With him I shampoo his mane and tail first. Then, rinse all of the shampoo out and then put conditioner on it, and let it sit while I wash body.

    I also deep condition it every now and then. I will just wash is mane and tail. Then will put conditioner in his mane and tail and comb it though. The I will braid his mane up kind of like a french braid, and will just let his tail hang. I let the conditioner sit for about 30 minutes and then will rinse it out. It works wonders.  

  18. i would go with rio vista or any shapleys shampoos


  19. you can pretty much use any shampoo. Mane and Tail is good but you can just go to CVS and buy Suave shampoo and conditioner, shampoo the body and condition the mane and tail. You can use the color enhancing ones if you like but i wouldn't unless you want your horses mane/tail color enhanced. =] If your horse has fungus, get some Head & Shoulders and scrub i into the fungus.

    For the tangled mane and tail, Show Sheen does wonders. Spray some in, let it do it job for a few seconds then just comb the mane and tail. It's amazing and it even comes in eco-friendly!

    by the way, your horse is called a bay. ;)

  20. For the body, I would use some sort of shampoo designed for horses because it's pH balanced for their skin and most of them have low sudsing formulas so that they wash off well.  I use Vetrolin shampoo myself most of the time, but I've also used Cowboy Magic and Orvus and find them all to be about the same.

    As for the mane and tail, this sounds weird but the best thing I've found is TRESemme products (you know, like you get a any drug store).  They are super cheap compared to special "horse" products so that's good, and the conditioner is so heavy that it is GREAT for getting tangles out of a tail.  You can definitely use shampoo on the tail (they get awfully dirty sometimes!) and then condition it afterward, just like you do to your own hair.

    Unless you have a horse with a lot of white on it, I wouldn't waste the money on the color enhancing shampoos.  I don't think they make enough of a difference.

  21. I like the healthy hair care products.  They are very reasonably priced and keep the ph balanced in their skin.  I am not a fan on putting human products on my horses, they have different ph balances then humans, they also can develop a allergic reaction.  Get the healthy hair care hair moisturizer for horses, its concentracted and cheap and works great.  After you wash your horse spray it over their body and mane and tail, you can do this when they are wet.  I spray the moisturizer on their mane and tail a couple of times during the week.  If you need a good detangler, go to and purchase any of the detanlgers, their are some that are cheaper then others, they all basically work the same.

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