
Can anyone recommend a good leather worker to make a knife sheaths?

by  |  earlier

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I have a couple of nice older knives but need some new leather for them.




  1. Making your own is a good suggestion. If you have a leather store in your area, you can buy some leather, often scraps and small pieces, and assemble them into a functional sheath. Ask the person who works there what you will need, such as a few rivets, a few snap closures, an awl, and a few needles and some waxed thread. It really is kind of fun and rewarding. I made a pocket holster for my Ruger LCP because I didn't like the ones available commercially. It came out well.

  2. i know some anarchists that make great hand made leather free!

  3. Here would be the place to start; see the link.

    You might also consider making your own.

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