
Can anyone recommend a good parcel delivery service in uk?

by  |  earlier

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As the post office is on strike I have to find an alternative service. My income (and millions of other peoples') depends on this.




  1. I always use DHL / Omega's online service Parcels2Go.  It's quick, cheap and much easier than going round the post office.

  2. If you live in Suffolk why not try Fleetwood Couriers ? .com

    Ive used them a few times and found them very good!!!

    I think they are a relatively new courier company and they must be doing fairly OK as they have just had their website professionally upgraded by MJP Technology.

  3. try M/s, Murray & Co.

  4. i would use either parcel force or dhl there both very good

  5. Parcelforce is reliable and is probably the cheapest  unless you're sending hundreds of parcels, in wihch case get a range of quotes from DHL, etc.

  6. city link

  7. There is DHL, Parcel Force, etc

  8. u can find out urself, type ur requirements in search engine then enter. u will get best of luck.

  9. ANC

  10. We use Anc and see and they are pretty good! Cheap and fairly reliable.

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