
Can anyone recommend a good skin care product?

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I have used proactiv for over 2 years now. And i have broken out big time. Even though i use it properly.

Can anyone recommend a good product for my face?

P.S. I'm 18 and female, i don't know if this makes a difference.

I live in Australia, so it would help if the product was easily available here.




  1. Try POND'S facial scrub I think its available anywhere... Also, you maybe eating to much greasy foods so you have break outs more often (eg. nuts, fried foods, etc).

  2. Check out

    I love all there products and recently got the anti acne line for my daughters who have had really good success with it...

  3. I am confused with the question. Have you broken out continuously over the 2 yr course of using the product, or have you just recently broken out? If recently, then I'd say it might not be your skincare products, just a sudden rise in stress or a drastic change in hormones (you are,after all, only 18) keep using proactiv a little longer before jumping to conclusions. If it has been continuous breakouts, then I'd suggest Clearasil products, they have always worked best for my difficult and acne prone skin in the past. Also, drink as much water as possible each day to cleanse your body of free radicals and impurities.

  4. St. Ives Apricot Cleanser.

    it's soft on your skin, it's oil free, it's cheap & it has Salicylic Acid in it which fights your acne.

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