
Can anyone recommend a hand held game for a 4 yr old PLEASE

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We are going on a long plane ride and are looking for ways to entertain our 4 yr old rambunctious son.

Please recommend a hand held game that's not necessarily educational but simple to use yet ENTERTAINING.

It would be nice if you could mention the cost also, thanks!




  1. Is a Gameboy within your budget?  They run $70-$250 depending on the model (I'd get him a Gameboy Advance SP, not a DS, they easier to break).  Get him a used one at a pawn shop, or EB Games/Gamestop.

    The games run pretty cheap too.  You're better getting games at Walmart or Toy r Us instead of pawn shops or Game stores.  I've actually found that Walmart has them cheaper brand new the other stores charge for used.  What game he'll enjoy depends on what he's into.  My 3 year nephew loves the Mario and Yoshi games.  He did ask for a lot of help when he first started playing them but he was only 3...and he can handle them just fine now (he's still 3).  

  2. You can buy him a Gameboy SP. You'll also have to buy him a couple of games for it. You can simply get it from Toys R Us, Walmart, and Target. It might cost between 50-60 dollars.

  3. I found that my 3 1/2 daughter y.o. loves to play her brother's Game Boy. She plays Dora the Explorer & she plays Charlotte's Web. She loves it & it does keep her entertained.

    I paid full price for it a few years ago & with the games it was about $150.00. But you could get a nice used/refurbished one @ places like Game Stop for about $50.00 & the used games cost anywhere from $5-$20 each.

    Make sure it's a Game Boy & not a Nintendo DS. That requires using a "pen" on the screen. I find at the age our kids are it can become broken quite easily & the units are about $150.00 without the games.

    Best of luck trying to keep him entertained! I've been there!

  4. the leapfrog game  

  5. How about the leapfrog game?

    But you can also get other types of games that are more puzzles, stickers, sliders, etc.

    I'm sure toys r us would have most things but check this website too for crafts and other toys

  6. try those handheld games made by tiger eletronics or better yet those fisher price hand held games those should be more entertaining for a 4 year old not a gameboy

  7. - VG Pocket Max 75 Games 2.5-inch LCD screen, The VG Pocket Max puts a complete arcade in the palm of your hand. With a total of 75 classic games and a compact, stylish design, you'll be equipped with a full arsenal of fun no matter where you are.

    - LeapFrog Leapster Gaming System & Games


    Leapster L-Max 2

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