
Can anyone recommend a mortgage company that does credit Repair?

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I would like to refinance my house and I have some negative or bad credit issues. Can anyone recommend a good Mortgage company that can do both (Refinance and Credit Repair? )

Good advice appreciated.




  1. Jaws,

    I own a debt/credit consultation business. We do both credit repair and mortgages too. although I wouldnt do both at the same time.

    Why dont you give me an email.

    I love giving advice and giving a little knowledge to people


  2. I was turned down for a home loan several times in 2 or 3 years and even tried all the online loan companies on TV, all with no luck. I tried Mortgage Source and it really helped me, a friend of mine gave me their website  

    I really had given up on home ownership until I got their website from my friend

    My credit score is horrible I have a very bad credit. I was approved 2 weeks ago

    Here is their website

  3. here is the truth. No mortgage company or any other for that matter can get factual reporting in your credit file reversed and neither can you. The Fair Credit Reporting  Act states the reporting must be accurate. NOW if it is not ACCURATE then file the dispute with the 3 major credit repositories and i 30 days it should be cleared. That doesn't say that your scores will rebound at all. That may take 60 days or longer to re-scored.

    I AM mortgage banker in TN &KY

  4. I  work for premier mortgage and we work with all the banks nationwide to help you. I promise and guarantee i can help you repair your credit. Please email me at my work email.

    im sure i can help you or one of my associates.

  5. Try this one - - I monitor my credit score here during last 3 years. And also cleaned off some bad items from my credit report. You can apply for free initial plan and get your scores and reports for free.

  6. I cant recommend a company that does both but i can tell you of a company that offers a web based credit repair software that allows you to repair your credit on your own. It only cost $29.95 a month and you can cancel at any time.

    They also offer free counseling with all your financial sitiuation.

    if you would like more information just email me at

    or you can visit there site at

  7. 'Rock Financial' has helped us.

  8. Sky Blue Credit Repair is a perfect choice for anyone who needs to improve their credit score to meet the new tougher mortgage guidelines. If you are having trouble refinancing check out Sky Blue Credit Repair!

  9. I would strongly advise against this. Don't pay someone to do what you can do yourself for free. Credit repair is not a mystery it's just a pain that some people don't want to deal with. Order a copy of your credit report, go over it with a fine toothed comb. Dispute any incorrect/outdated/false information by downloading a dispute form from credit bureau website(s) and then send a copy to all 3 credit bureaus (or those with incorrect info). If they haven't replied within 30 days, write to the FTC with copy of dispute letters.

    If you have collections, write the the creditor and request the pay for delete option. Bring all your overdue balances to zero or at a minimum bring them current. Keep your repayment history impeccable from now on. No lates, skips, etc....

    Clean up your credit before you do any refinancing.


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