
Can anyone recommend a not so spendy and good wireless internet service for a laptop?

by Guest60171  |  earlier

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I just got a new laptop and need wireless internet and are not real familiar with how all that works. Need it asap and dont want to spend a fortune and suggestions?




  1. If you mean you're looking for a wifi hotspot, just wander around with your laptop.  It should find it.  Alternatively, go to your local McDonalds or Starbucks, both of which offer it.

    If you mean you want wireless access at home, you generally don't buy wireless (despite what your other respondents have said), you buy wired DSL access (from your local phone company, for example) or cable access (from your local TV cable folks, if they offer it).  Then you buy a wireless router to hook up to that wired connection.  There are many choices for this; I have a Linksys WRT54G which works well.

    There is another wireless only option that the others haven't mentioned and that's Clearwire.  You'll have to look at their web page to see of they offer service in your area.

  2. Do you need to bring your wireless everywhere? Or just around your house? If it's just around your house, you can get a wireless router to attach to any old internet connection for about $30. If you want it "everywhere", it's going to be a fraction of the speed and cost significantly more.

  3. or $40/month, first month free, free laptop card. USB adapter-$59, first month free. And that is cellular service so you can use your laptop anywhere, not just at home. I don't have it yet, but supposedly, it's "high-speed".

    If you decide to get home internet service, you will have to either use your phone line or cable line to get DSL/Broadband and you will need router to make it wireless. Also, whichever Internet Service Provider you use, will either give you a Broadband/DSL modem, sell you one, rent you one or tell you what type you need so that you can buy your own. They're much cheaper on e-Bay. Sometimes the ISP will have the modems with wireless already built in. If not e-Bay is still the cheapest to get the router and modem.

  4. cavalier is great and only $45/month

    it is not national, only regional

    MI OH PA VA states in the northeast

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