
Can anyone recommend an EXTERNAL hard drive for my PS3?

by  |  earlier

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I know you can replace the internal drive, but I dont want to do that. Is there one available that is already in the correct format? (so it doesnt require plugging into a PC/Mac and changing to FAT32, as that really isnt an option for me just now). Thanks in advance for your help. (Also I do not want a 'free' PS3 thanks, so dont leave me replies like that unless you want reporting!)




  1. Hey if you want a free PS 3 ........................

    ah only messin, right, ur lucky here, i just had the same problem, i upgraded my ps HDD but also had to back up everything FAT32.

    I managed to find a External HDD 250 GB, that when i backed up my ps3 files it saved them as FAT32.  The external HDD was made by Dane-Electric,it says on the box "so ready secure" , and theres a website on the box, I got this in a shop in Dublin si if your fro Ireland I can tell you exactly where to get it, just leave a comment and i ll fill ya in.

    Hope that helps

  2. I highly doubt there is one that comes all ready in the format.


  3. Since you hated replacing your hard drive, try installing and running linux. otherwise replace your internal drive. tried formatting external HDD before i replaced mine but was never detected by the unit.

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