
Can anyone recommend books and websites on the more accurate and modern punctuational evolution theory?

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It seems quite obvious by looking at the fossil record that there are no real gaps but maily very long periods of stasis with a few minor changes that may agree with the idea of rare genetic mutations somewhat, but most speciation events take place in short quick bursts geologically speaking as the affected ecological equilibrium is stressed or drastically changed and every new and altered ecological niche is filled. This means that constant and gradual change (which is never seen in the fossil record) is not the major driving force but "punctuated adaptive radiation" due to outside stimuli on ecological equilibria such as continental plate collision, volcanic activity, climate change, comet impact, extinction, presence of new species, food supply, etc. The idea of gradual change and that especially of evolution toward a goal (i.e. greater intelligence or the like) is definitely wrong and should be put to rest for good. Filling of ecological niches is the driving force not "progress"




  1. Consider the eye and you will know that Gould was a gradualist in the same sense that Darwin was a gradualist. No need to set up " evolution as a goal " straw men to knock down. Punctuated equilibrium is well encompassed within normal evolutionary theory.

    PS Google " Niles Eldridge "

  2. Read the book "Instant Origins."

  3. How did you get so well versed in it without having those books to begin with?

    Or was this not a question at all, but a lecture?

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