
Can anyone recommend good vietnam films , all ready got five , want to know more about the conflict.?

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Apocalyspe Now


Full Metal Jacket

Jacobs Ladder





  1. The films you mentioned are all American films, and they generally portray the American point of view of the Vietnam War. The best way to learn more about the Vietnam conflict is to see documentary films, including those published by the opposite side that portrayed the conflict in the enemy's point of view too.

    Also, the films you mentioned covers only the time period when American troops were already militarily involved in the conflict (Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations). I suggest that you read history books that goes back further in explaining how the whole conflict started, including the time period before America came into the fray (the previous 300 years of French colonial rule over Indo-China that later became North and South Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia; Vietnam's struggle for independence against French colonial rule and the rise of Ho Chi Minh; the French, Soviet, Chinese and American foreign policies, political and ideological maneuverings that turned Vietnam into a proxy war that became the superpowers' playground on their global rivalries).

    That's how I learned the full history of the Vietnam conflict (not to mention the period I spent there as a child).

  2. Goooooddd Moooornnninnng Vietnam!!!!.. so it goes in the film by Robin Williams.. Good Morning Vietnam

  3. I think you need to watch Windtalkers again because it  wasn;t about Vietnam but WW2, when Native Americans were used in communications to confuse the Japanese.

    Have you seen We Were Soldiers?  that is a good movie with Mel Gibson

  4. Deer Hunter, Platoon Leader, and Bat 21 are some other Vietnam movies.  But Windtalkers is about WW II.  

    Movies are not going to give you an accurate description of the conflict.  They are going to include only what works for their movie adn someo of it may not be historiacally accurate.  If you want that, you are going to need to watch a documentary, historical movie (History Channel), or read a book about it.

  5. A pop-culture classic is "Hair" (1979)


    Hamburger Hill

    Iron Eagle

    China Beach

    Born on the 4th of July

    Bat 21

    Deer Hunter

    Hanoi Hilton

    the Killing Fields

    Rumor of War


    Hearts and Minds

    Here's a good list

  6. We were soldiers

    The Deer Hunter

    The Killing Fields

    Casulaites of War

    More of a documentary is:

    Path to War

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