
Can anyone recommend insurance I can get and pay for my family. My employer's offer is way too expensive!?

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Can anyone recommend insurance I can get and pay for my family. My employer's offer is way too expensive!?




  1. Ultimately, you are the one who determines the affordability of your health insurance plan by deciding how much you will participate in sharing the cost of your health care with your insurance company.

    If you choose a plan that covers everything i.e. doctors office visits, prescription drugs, preventative health benefits, maternity coverage as well as low deductibles and low copays your monthly premiums will be significant. Your employer may also be offerring dental and vision benefits.

    On the other hand if you and your family are young and healthy and rarely use the health care system you could consider a plan that covers only the major health catastrophe which will result in a relatively low monthly premium. You then can use the monthly premium savings to pay for the occasional doctor visit and still come out ahead.

    You need a trusted adviser to help you through the process of purchasing health insurance so that you understand what you are purchasing. That adviser can answer questions as to what is and is not covered by the policy, explain deductibles and copays and show you the hospitals and doctors that participate in the network. Check with the agent that writes your home or auto insurance he/she can provide you a health insurance proposal that takes into account your budget and health situation.

    Some may suggest going on line to get a quote but you probably already know that there is much more to health insurance than price. Use the Internet to educate yourself but use an agent to purchase the coverage.

  2. Find an insurance broker in your area that has access to all the companies.  Shopping online will typically only show you who is cheapest, not who is good for your situation (every company is different and has strong points in some areas and weak points in others).  A broker can find a company that best suits your situation, goals and needs.

  3. Usually an employer sponsored plan will give you the most coverage and rights under the law.  If you get a direct policy, it may require a very large deductible, like 2500, for it to be affordable, then paying benefits like at 80% until you reach your out of pocket limit.  Remember, in insurance whats cheap may not be the cheapest at the end.

  4. I know of a great discount medical company that is very affordable!  You can save up to 85% and everyone is accepted!  It isn't insurance but it will save you alot more money than insurance will.  I do hope you find something that is a fit for you and your family.  If your interested just send me a message or im me.  Take care!

  5. There are many websites online that you can use to request free quotes on health insurance, like or  By providing your information once, most will be able to give you a variety of quotes from different companies so you can choose the one that fits your needs and your budget.

    Don't be surprised at the number of questions they ask you about your family's health history.  It's the only way they can accurately give a quote.

    There are things you can do to lower your health insurance rates, like increase the co-pay and deductible and eliminate things like dental coverage, mental health coverage, and maybe even maternity coverage if you won't be needing it.

  6. Group insurance is more expensive then indiviudal coverage because you generally can't be turned down for group.  So, healthy people who get it on their own pay much less for their coverage (assuming the employer isn't paying for most of the bill).

    Depends on where you live but an insurance broker can help you.  <-- feel free to try the tool on our site to see if it'll quote plans in your area.

  7. Good individual policies are H.S.A's health savings accounts available through most large carriers look online for quotes.

  8. Check out Aetna.  When I was looking for insurance for my daughter who was no longer covered under my policy at work, the agent who was a relation of my boss, gave me information on Aetna and it was very reasonable.

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