
Can anyone recommend some good spots to visit in Nuremburg?

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Can anyone recommend some good spots to visit in Nuremburg?




  1. The former Reichsparteitagsgelände (including the museum but you should also walk around the grounds, it will last about half an hour), the castle and Weißgerberstraße (a street that was rebuilt exactly like a street from the middle ages) and the main market with the Beautiful Fountain are the four most famlous spots by tourists, I'd say.

    The Germanisches Nationalmuseum has organized a kind of audio-tour, you can rent an audio guide through the center for about ten Euros and you can have your own tour in your own time ;-)

    What I really like is the toy museum (Spielzeugmuseum) and the Germanian National museum (Germanisches Nationalmuseum) you can spend hours and hours there. There are also many other museums to visit especially the house of Albrecht Dürer. Some people also like to watch courtromm 600, where the Nuremberg trials took place, but it is just opened on weekend - it is still in use today, so you can only visiti it when no trial takes place there, that's usually at the weekends.

    To eat some of the famlus Nürberger Bratwürste (saussages) you sould got the the "Bratwurströslein" - on the way to the castle you'll see it - I don't say it, because I get money for this, it's just a fact they are really good there ;-) Nürnberg has also some nice parks (especially the Luitpoldhain, a part of the Reichsparteitagsgelände) and many old churches to see.

    You should also go by train to the neighbouring towns of Fürth (the birth place of Henry Kissinger, it has a very nice old center and helds the biggest Jewish museum in Bavaria) and Erlangen (very old town and with many nice buildings).

  2. Well, if you are at al interested in history, you should visit the Reichsparteitagsgelände, where Hitler's NSDAP held some of its heavily choreographed public conventions. From what I've herad, local historians have done quite a good job explaining the whole thing - check out this site:

    Also, if you are going in December, check out the christmas market, one of the most famous of its kind in the whole country.

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