
Can anyone recommend this portable device please? >_<?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know if this exists but (I'm sure it does somehow though) I need something like the "Notes" feature on ipods - a portable device where you can put documents and read them on some sort of screen.

That would be really useful. Any specific things you can suggest? :)




  1. Hum, maybe a PALM PILOT...

    Take a look at this link, from Google images:;hl...

  2. the iphone its a ipod/ computer/phone

  3. Asus Eee PC

    Its an ultra small portable laptop. If you go with a palm pilot, you will need to use their software to convert files back and forth between the device and your home computer, but with a laptop you don&#039;t have to because it uses the same files and file formats as your computer, making everything much quicker and simpler.

  4. Sounds cool. I like it.

  5. i think its called DUH IT DOESNT EXCIST!!!!!!!!!!!1 thats the name so yeah!

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