
Can anyone relate...?

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to leaving mormonism and felt like blinders were taken off of you? When I left, it felt like I had been blind to so many things my entire life. I would just blindy accept anything they said to me. Leaving was the most eye opening experience I've ever had.

And to anyone that answers this question, I dont need you telling me you think i'll go to h**l, or anyone trying to convert me. I am just fine. :)




  1. I was once a devout Catholic, until my mid-late teenage, when I realised that faith was based upon nothing but itself, and that ideas about particles/waves of matter/energy and forces interacting with each other in space-time in a finite, yet boundless, expanding universe, satisfied me as explanation about how nature works. And the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is extremely impressive. There was no need for supernatural beings or God, which so complicated things that it was virtually certain they don't exist.

    Although I wasn't unhappy when I was religious, my mind has been free to find out the truth about how nature works,or as near to the truth as we can get.

    I've read the Bible several times right through and refer to it regularly, because it's one of my interests. I wouldn't claim to be anything like expert, but I do have a good knowledge of it. I've also read the Qu'ran, but can't claim anything like the same knowledge as I have of the Bible.

    I'm interested in understanding why people believe deeply in things that seem to me to be clearly untrue. And I've been interested in religions, mythology, folklore, fairy tales and related matters since I was a child.

  2. The same sort of thing will happen when you give up religion all together.  No heaven or h**l, purgatory, afterlife, re-incarnation, etc.  Very liberating and sad too.

  3. I left something other than Mormons; but I can understand yuor point above considerably!!!  (see my profile).

  4. I've actually heard similar things said by people who have left any particularly dogmatic sect, whether it's Morman, Jehovah's Witness, 7th Day Adventist, etc . . .

    I guess I should feel lucky I was raised by liberal Catholics. There was really no "dropping of the blinders" for me, because I wasn't required to swallow all the teachings of the church, anyway, I just had to learn about them. When I pretty much decided I was never really a believer to begin with, it wasn't earth shattering, or anything. But, I imagine that you've had quite a liberating experience.  

  5. Yes, the same thing happened to me.
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