
Can anyone relate to feeling snowed under at college/uni?

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I am 22 and have just started an art/computing based subject at college at HND level. Already I have been issued 3 reports and 2 art based projects. Last year I studied computing at basic level as I was returning to education from a long break of working fulltime. Already I feel totally snowed under with the work and I am worried I am not good enough in the art side of things as it is competitive-I know I am capable but I am feeling the pressure as its such high standards.I don't know how I will stay motivated for the next year as I feel I have made a big jump from last year to this year. Can anyone relate or have wise words?




  1. Sorry to hear you're finding things difficult, but try not to give yourself a hard time! Its natural to be feeling overwhelmed by higher education.  Even people who havent had a break in education will find it daunting making the jump. Try to comfort yourself by realising these feelings will most likely pass as you settle in to your course, its early days yet.

    Try not to worry about "competing" and take pleasure in your art work.  Im sure you enjoy it or you wouldnt have chose to do it, so just focus on that.  If you see your work purely as a chore then you will lose motivation very soon.

    Take things one step at a time, and reward yourself by buying something new or going out with your friends when you get a good grade back.

    Good luck!

  2. It's not easy returning to study after working full time, so don't beat yourself up if you're feeling some self doubt.

    Make yourself a study programme and be sure to use your personal tutorial time.  Adult students often feel they should be able to 'get on with it' - use all the support you can get!

    The first bit is always the worst - the the past few years I did an MSc and a CIPD course- you'll soon get into the swing of it and wonder what you were worrying about.

    Good luck and enjoy learning

    PS - I'm now considering what course I'd like to do next!

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