
Can anyone relate to me? (No siblings, no father, ect.)?

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Hi, I was wondering if anyone could possibly relate to me. I've always tried to find someone who has gone through

the same or equivalent problems as me -but to no avail :(

All my life i've lived without a father, I got to visit him around twice a year when I was younger (forced to acutualy) and

it fustrasted me a great deal. My father cheated on my mom, he constantly changed girlfriends, and he always gave

me the cold shoulder (In fact, I strongly believe the sole reason he brought me with him was to pretend he was

a fatherly man -to attract girls of course!) I pursade this theory also because when he no longer had faith he could

find another girlfriend -he uterally rejected me (I called him after an entire years absence and he simply hung up on me)

I've always lived with my mother (who is partialy disabled) and a while ago the new addtion of my non-responsive near

senility grandmother (who is fully disabled, and also only speaks italian + she demands an AWFUL lot of atention from my mom). One of the many problems that I delt with in childhood

was our finacial endevors -we lived in an apartment (rented to be exact) it diden't bother me that much until we packed our bags and

moved. The landlord at our other apartment was mean spirited and foul, after getting his months rent -he still had the

guts to come literally bashing at our door yelling obsanities and pure rubbish (that he diden't recieve his rent) while I

pushed my back towards to door in effort to stop him bursting in. This was the begining of my infiriority complex. The

second that certainly packed a punch was my mother's boyfriend. Just around when I started to open up to him he gets

stark raving drunk and invades our apartment. It was the single most terrifying instance in my life. I heard yelling, banging,

and the doorbell ringing -so I fled to the washroom (the only lockable door) and coverd my head. I had no idea of the events

taking place on the staircase other than noises. I heard my mom opening the door, a yelling man, a loud bang, strong

footsteps escalating the steps towards me, and glass breaking. Thankfully he was stopped, I thought he shot my mom

but it was just a loud kick to the wall - and he was arrested. After this I find it hard to open up to people, I thought I knew

him well.

Another thing i'll tell about is the horrors of my uncle. My uncle was a physcopath -he stocked me at my elementary

school and constantly harrased my mom. He to me is satan in the flesh. After moving once to evade him, he relocated

us and parked outside there -just waiting, for hours. It was incredibly nerving to me, I diden't have a dad to kick his butt.

So I basically had to turn my back constantly to see if he was stocking me -nice....

The last example i'll give was my horrible entire year at a terrible druggy school. I begged to get out but there was no

room in any other school for me. I literally got slapped across the face infront of a teacher, and she simply told the guy

who slapped me that she was going to call the principle (she diden't) I had to take the metro alone everyday back and

forth -it would have been easier if it wasen't that metro in particular. Someone I knew had a gun pointed to his head. It

was a hellish year, but what made me angry was that my richy rich cousins went to the ajacent private school and did

not even bother to even say hello to me. (I have no contact with any of my cousins/ aunts/ uncles, since theres always

a family feud) - its nice to know that your family is always there for you -_-;

Whenever I approach my mom wanting to talk about things that went on, she dosen't want to hear it. I feel horribly alone.

I'd be so much happier if I had someone to relate to. I thought I could relate with one of my friends (her parents were

divorced) but while we were talking she began bragging about what a great relationship she had with her father.

Umm...i'm also fifteen if that makes a diference XD I just wanted to add that.




  1. There are kids who have went what you went through som eof them worse.

    2 kids I know of, their parents split up they never saw their dad much, their mom was a druggie alcoholic and lost custody of them.

    Their foster parents are great people the kids are  around your age one is a yr older the other is a yr younger or so.

    Theirmother just died from an over dose a while back and their dad they do not see harldy at all.

    Church has helped them out.Their foster parents bring them and they are doing great.

    If you can, visit church sometime, the United Penteocstal church is a good one and they can be the family you never had.

    I have met people who had it much worse than you.One guy I know(he is a preacher) talked about how his dad abused him as a child and how his motherhit him in the back with a rock etc.

    He always seems happy.

  2. First of all can I just say, give your friend another chance. At 15, she might not know ow to react or what to say (highly unlikely but it's possible). I am sorry you have had such a bad time and I think you can put your experiences to good use by doing voluntary work at a children's home or something similar. Where you will meet other children in similar circumstances and share your experiences or even show them that life is still possible even after all that has happened.

  3. aww thats terrible. a lot of ppl have gone through wose sadly. ur not the only one. my bro doesnt have a dad or mom so i raised him. its really sad ppl have to go through tat. ur young but u seem mature enough to know thats just life. dont listen to ppl who brag their idiots. just be a good father when u have kids. good luck

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