
Can anyone remember the title of the books?

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I remember reading books when I was a kid where you could make different choices for the characters. The choices had alternate endings for the story. I would really like to see if I can still get any of these books.




  1. I remember that R.L. Stein wrote some like that, but i don't remember the specific titles.

  2. i'm pretty sure goosebumps had something like that where you would choose how the story went, hope this is what youre looking for

  3. There were a few series like that.

    Choose your own adventure,

    Anne McCaffery had one based on the Dragon Riders of Pern series

    Marvel Comics had a few, based on different heroes

    There were more, but I don't recall them off hand.

  4. Choose Your Own Adventure!

  5. the "choose your own ending" books, i believe. i remember i had one about a green blob. lol!

  6. It was probably either Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) or Fighting Fantasy (FF).

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