
Can anyone say what can be done to prevent Population Explosion In The World? ( Plz give serious Answers )?

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Can anyone say what can be done to prevent Population Explosion In The World? ( Plz give serious Answers )?




  1. overpopulation is actually another fear mongering myth.

    if we weer acting resposibly as a race, the planet could support a population wll over 10 billion.

    the real problems is this:

    - no real medical industry (a real one would strive to put itself out of business, no?)

    - no authentic means of food production

    - greed

    - lack of overall reverence for all things everywhere

  2. I think, the best way, is education and making everybody conscious of what's going on on the planet. Start avoiding social pressure that make a "must" having kids, start s*x education since elementary so no more unwanted pregnancies in adolescents & girls happens.

  3. Help promote adoption.  If every one adopted one child for each of their own, or only had one or two of their own, that would do it.  How to get religious leaders to go with the plan is the hard part.

  4. breed less

  5. "Gogolbaat" pretty much nailed it, and "injoy" also added some very apropos considerations.  I wanted to add that Thomas Barnett, a Pentagon think-tank person (but not a population guru in particular) claims that current trends and analysis actually place world population peaking at ~9 billion somewhere this mid century.  And I really think we can have faith in the human mind in solving (at least partially) the problems "injoy" mentioned.  We may have more wars, we may have more famine, but we will improve the human condition.  Then we will have to start working on rehabilitating the environment in which we live, trying to balance not merely population, food supply, physiological health, but psychological and philosophical health, too.

  6. Look at what the Chinese have done in the last generation or 2 with the one child government policy. It encourages one child per family and discourages more than one by the use of benefits and disincentives. Education also plays a large role in encouraging smaller families. Look at Japan and some European countries. In general , couples with higher levels of education have fewer children.

  7. You might want to have some balance to the intent of this question.

    Here's an article that might interest you

    Have a nice day.

    p.s. By the way My wife and I had four children in 3 years and love it.

    Unfortunately we can't have more.

  8. It's already happening, I think it's this year or next that around the world there'll be more people living in cities than anywhere else.

    This shift will prevent population explosions, people in cities can get better education, and education seems to lead to a lower rate of children as people wait until they're older to have kids, and just have less. There's other implications I won't go into. But as well there seems to be a stigma attached to being a parent in a city, especially if you're young, you're just seen as trashy or uneducated. So that social pressure as well will lead to less children being born.

    Plus the boomers are set to start dying off, which means some stability.

  9. I would say we can't do too much unless you are prepared to start sterilizing people in 3rd world countries.  That is where most of the population growth is occurring and they are least prepared to handle the strain of it.

  10. Really i think that has already been taken care of, look at animals like deer,tree- rats,birds, if their numbers grow to be to many they develop disease and sickness and die off ,only the strongest remain, in-turn look at the people of America lard and cancer because they can't stop eating and very fue really work hard enough to be healthy, and the people who make money on fast food and cokes have the taste and smell perfected to the point you can't get enough, have you noticed the large numbers just in your area that have died from cancer its a bad thing to get and i feel bad for anyone who gets sick with that, and now city water containing fluoride has  been proven to do some very bad things to your body, so over all danger from large population will not be such a problem because we are killing our self's before our time should have been up any way,don't worry the government will not stop it, only you and i can do that.

  11. Put a limit of two children per household and if they truly desire a larger family they can adopt!

  12. I think education and jobs have a big part in this. Women in first world countries are waiting to have children so that they can establish careers first. The later you have children the fewer you can have. Of course that is only a small part of the solution, but an important one.

  13. I don't really think we are in emminent danger of a population explosion.  Many countries in Europe, most notably Italy are not replacing themselves.

    The Third world does have a problem with rapid population growth, but I think the solution lies more in the redistribution of wealth, than in lowering the birthrate.

  14. Everyone needs to have just two children, no more.  That way we only replace ourselves, and the population levels off.

  15. I am from India where Population is really High. And I know no ine will like below answer.

    What I understood is that population can go down only when there is enough prosperity around as well as cintense competition in society. By Intense I mean something reaching to the insane levels. When people are so competitive, they will undertstand that it is really burdensome to manage too many children. So, what is required is dismantling of current welfate states and brining back the medieval world ethics. We had a natural population control mechanism then in terms of wars and other things. My take is that control diseases, allow people to get healed if they want, but do not innoculate them from all the diseases at the birth time only. This makes life dull as well as take away the incentive to have less but healthy children.

    If you do not agree with my view, well nothing can be done. If you want to enjoy the welfare state, you will pay the price of high population. Nothing comes free in this world.

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