
Can anyone show me how to write a contract? im selling my car?

by  |  earlier

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im trying to sell my used car to a person but he doesn't have all the money with him.. the total price im looking for is $1,300 and he is only going to pay me 800 and next week the rest of it.. what should i write on the contract?? i just want his signature and stuff like that any help?? thanx




  1. Here you go. Copy and paste onto a Word document. Center it and then add another signature line if there is more than one buyer.

    Be sure to make a copy or have him sign two and keep one.

    * DO NOT sign over the title until the balance is paid in full.

    He can get insurance with this bill of sale!

    Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale

    Seller : ________________________________________...

    Buyer : ________________________________________...

    1. Seller hereby sells the vehicle described here to Buyer: _________________________

    Its body type is: ________________________________________...

    It carries the following vehicle identification number (VIN): _________________________.

    Vehicle includes the following personal property items: _________________________

    2. The full purchase price for Vehicle is $ _______________. In exchange for Vehicle, Buyer has paid Seller [choose one]:

    [  ]  the full purchase price.

    [  ]  $ ___________________ as a down payment, balance due in _____ days.

    [  ]  $ ___________________ as a down payment and has executed a promissory note for the balance of the purchase price.

    3. Seller warrants that Seller is the legal owner of Vehicle and that Vehicle is free of all legal claims (liens or encumbrances) by others except: _________________________.

    Seller agrees to remove any lien or encumbrance specified in this clause with the proceeds of this sale within _____ days of the date of the bill of sale.

    4. Vehicle [  ]  has been  [  ]  has not been inspected by an independent mechanic at Buyer's request. If an inspection has been made, the inspection report [  ]  is attached  [  ]  is not attached to and made part of this bill of sale.

    5. Seller believes Vehicle to be in good condition except for the following defects: ________________________________________...

    6. Other than the warranty of ownership in Clause 3 and the representations in Clause 5, Seller makes no express warranties. Buyer takes Vehicle AS IS. Seller hereby disclaims the implied warranty of merchantability and all other implied warranties which may apply to the extent disclaimers are permitted in the state having jurisdiction over this bill of sale.

    7. The odometer reading for Vehicle is: _________________________.

    8. Additional terms of sale for Vehicle are as follows: __________________________.

    Seller’s signature: _______________________________ Date:___________________

    Buyer’s signature: _______________________________ Date:___________________

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