
Can anyone show me where I can find typical insurance agent contracts (employment)?

by Guest66976  |  earlier

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My gf is going into insurance sales (long term care/life, or mortgage-life) but she's pretty disgusted with the contracts she has seen. Is there a "typical" contract that agents have, i.e. what's the norm?





  2. Check out . I would answer any questions you may have.

  3. Unfortunately, I have not seen ANY "standard" agent contracts out there.  It seems that each company's legal department wants to show off their prowess and make it a "one sided" contract - where it SHOULD be a "two way street."

    If she doesn't feel comfortable with the contract, tell her to walk away and find some other company.  

    I have seen contracts that have a clause "if we think you owe us any money, we own YOUR furniture and all office equipment."  Just tell her to pay special attention to any Hold Harmless agreements....she could get hung out to dry!

    Good luck and I hope this helps!

  4. based upon your situation,I think you should find something useful here.

  5. If we knew what she found wrong with the contracts, we might be able to recommend other alternatives.  Otherwise, you're just venting because there is no norm.

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