
Can anyone suggest a martial art to take up?

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I'm looking for one in particular which i can teach myself at home that provides both mental and physical nourishment. Also do you recommend any good books on the subject? I find a lot of stuff is just written to please kids and dosen't really have that much information on principles behind the art.




  1. Honestly I don't think there's any style of fight you can really teach yourself. Also there's nothing like doing something hands on. I'm not a fan of instructional videos. There are MMA schools now you can go to that teach a variety of styles and they teach you how to use them in certain situations( MMA type situations). MMA is just starting to grow so the shools are limited. If you just want to learn how to be able to defend yourself and be well rounded, I suggest boxing, wrestling, and BJJ( Brazilian Jiu-jitsu). If you combine all these you'll have good stand up, good takedowns, good takedown defense, and you'll know how to handle yourself if it goes to the floor with the BJJ( About 85% of fights end up going to the floor FYE) The most difficult one to try to learn might be wrestling cause it considered more a sport than a martial art. If you are still in highschool go join your team ASAP. If not, try to find someone who knows and learn from them.Or if you do find an MMA school, Im sure they'll teach wrestling. Hope this was usefull.

  2. Ching-Chang (an old old joke referring to the sound of a pistol slide)

  3. While some people advocate that "my style fits any individual", it is very debatable if any single individual would adapt to *any* style.

    It depends heavily on your objectives, but remember, these may change with time. Many people who begin martial arts training strictly to learn self-defense become quite interested in other aspects as their training progresses.

    (a) What are you looking for?

    For instance, if you are looking for on the street self-defense training Taiji or Kendo might not be your first choice.

    Some choices: Jujutsu, Hapkido, some Gongfus, Karate, Ken(m)po, Baguazhang, Tang Soo Do, Muay Thai, Tae-Kwon-Do, Ninjutsu, Kali/Escrima/Arnis, Silat, or Xingyiquan.

    If you are looking for meditation and philosophy Western Boxing is probably a poor choice as well.

    Some choices: most Gongfus, Aikido, Taiji, Kendo, Kenjutsu, or Iaido.

    If you are looking for a sport and competition, Shao-Lin Long Fist would probably be a bad choice.

    Some choices: Fencing, some Karates/Gongfus, Judo, Boxing, Kendo, Tae-Kwon-Do, Savate, or Shuaijiao.

    If you are looking for intense body conditioning and muscle development, Aikido is probably not the style for you.

    Some choices: some Okinawan Karates, Judo, some Gongfus, Muay Thai, Tae-Kwon-Do, Capoeira.

    Sorry but you should only learn a martial art/self-defence course from a suitably qualified instructor because you can only learn to mimic moves from books/DVD's.

    Learning from books/DVD's is like learning to drive a car without an instructor. You won't learn the real feeling of a technique. You won't learn how to make joint locks etc. work in a variety of situations.

  4. Even though I can suggest many styles like BJJ Taewondo chilin kungfu arnis hapkido shotokan and muythia, it would make no difference because it isn't the style but the school that the style is taught.

    Go through your yellow pages and check out the schools in your area. Visit them, talk to them. And make your decision not based on "what style is the best" but what school is the best.

    If you enjoy what you are doing you be better at it than something you hate.

    :::: Sorry  I didn't read your whole statement before I answered

    You can't learn to fight or even perform (like artistically) a style from a book or tape. If you want to learn MA get your life together and go to a school.

  5. Mushin sums it up for me,but whichever style you finally decide on then you have to be able to adapt and feel  comfortable with it and maintain the desire to stick with it.

    Good luck and best wishes :)***

  6. MMA (mixed martial arts)

  7. You can't learn a martial art at home. You need to go to a dojo/dojang to learn a martial art.

  8. How many of these are we gonna get?:

  9. kickboxing try that and here - check that link out you wont regret it

  10. To the person who asked this there is no shortcut at home. you need to study under a qualified instructor, or don't bother.

    Go HAMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woo hoo do you yahooooooooooo!

  11. it's s***w my tight v****a,please.

    im glad i could help=)

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