
Can anyone suggest a training plan for running a half marathon, or a good resouce where I can find one?

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At the moment I run on average 5-8km, 3 times a week. I'm not a natural runner - my normal speed would be a bit slower than 6-minute kilometres. I also do weight training twice a week.

I want to do a 1/2 marathon at the end of August, which gives me about 14 weeks. Just completing it would be my main goal, but doing it in less than 2 hours would be good!!

I'm female and 31 years old.

Thanks x




  1. Sample week:

    Mo: run 3 miles (5K)

    Tue:  off

    We:  run 4 miles

    Thur: run 3 or 4 miles

    Fri:  OFF

    Sat:  do a long run of 6 miles

    Sun: OFF

    You would continue this plan just add an additional mile to your Saturday long run until you are doing 12 miles, than only run 12 miles every other week and fall back to 9 miles on the alternate Saturdays. It might seem like "Wow, that's alot!"  but believe me, you get to a point when you will be saying "Wow, I only have to run 9 miles today"!!!

    You didn't mention a time-goal which is good if this is only your first half-marathon. Which half marathon are you doing?

  2. Your goal is not unreachable.  But if its your first, maybe not to have a time goal but to enjoy it.  Here are a couple reliable websites that I would use.  (some websites have way too fast or too much in the plans, which can cause injuries.)  I use these websites quite often and I just started running 4 years ago (then 40 yrs old, F) and my personal best for a 1/2 marathon is your goal is REACHABLE!!!!,71...

    Good luck,  and remember have fun!

  3. Just keep doing what you are doing for the next two weeks (base building) then with 12 to go, take on Hal Higdons plan.  Lots of peeps swear by his plans (me included).  There are 3 listed plans (Novice / Intermediate / Advanced).  Just select whats best for you - I did the novice and it was great.  Trust me, this guy has brought thousands of people through countless races injury free.

  4. Compliments on taking the smart route by preparing early!  You first want to build your base foundation of running (normally bout 6 to9 weeks).  This phase prepares your body for the physical demands that you will encounter during your actuall half marathon training phase.  Once your base training phase is complete, you then move on to the actuall half marathon training plan.  I HIGHLY suggest you visit, this web site has the answers to pretty much any running related question you have.  They have a "Smart Coach" feature that generates a training program based on your current physical capabilities.  I was able to knock off 24 minutes of my marathon time using this program.  Good luck on race day!

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