
Can anyone suggest one or two scented plants to put outside the window so that their scents wafts indoors.?

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Can anyone suggest one or two scented plants to put outside the window so that their scents wafts indoors.?




  1. Night Jasmine,Honeysuckle vines

  2. I think Jasmine is the best plant for look and aroma

  3. Mosquito plants have a  nice aroma.

  4. well i just love having a little canola all around my house. i built my house in the middle of a canola paddock! i really reccomend it. serious.     :)

  5. Many will do that, but concentrate on scents that please you.   Will this be a permanent plant or seasonal?  If you have the right growing conditions, a fragrant rose would be good.  Be aware that most hardy  shrubs and flowers, have a realatively short bloom season.   Lilacs, wisteria, etc.  

    I would prefer some scented geraniums myself,  Or herbs like mints and basils, maybe pineapple sage in a window box.

  6. Hi, You cant go wrong with good old fashioned lavender, it smells better fresh than any spray you can get you can also pick the flowers for indoors. If you like herbs Mint is a good one very strong aroma but plant in a pot as it will spread everywhere.

  7. Bougainvillea

  8. of course any thing in the mint family is always good, lavender has always been a favorite plant because of the smell I also have a plant called Cuban sage it looks like a jade plant but it is fuzzy and when the wind blows boy you can really smell the great scent coming from this plant. I take it in the house during the winter time and yes my house smells good too. Very easy to grown and multiples very quickly.

  9. Mock Orange tree is excellent for perfumed smell on the breeze

  10. Star Jasmine smells beautiful

  11. You can choose or maybe look at planting 2/3 plants to take you through the year

    Roses ar always a good bet

    Honeysuckle is lovely but wait for it the most splendid as well as beautiful isssssssssss

    Lily Regale tall elegant and wafts a lovely lovely scent

    sooooo go down to your garden centre roses are in full bloom so you can choose the one you like deep reds are usually good and lilies are either just coming into flower or are blooming but remember not all lilies have a scent it is a large white one Regale or maybe they do hybrids from it that waft the scent

  12. In the shrub line I would recommend mock orange,'Belle Etoile', lilacs 'Katherine Havemeyer' which flowers much longer than other lilacs. The July- October flowering butterfly bush 'Buddleia davidii', the white buddleia. There are a host of herbs and lavenders. there is the white fragrant jasmines but my favourite is the majestic nicotiana 'fragrant cloud' its masses of white blooms giving forth their magnificent fragrance from early summer to autumn. They can be perennial but are normally grown as annuals.

  13. Lilacs bushes (I grow one near the bedroom window)

    Old Fashioned Roses for summer scent


    Garden Phlox (Phlox paniculata)

    Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus)


    Dame's Rocket ( Hesperis matronalis) is delightfully fragrant

    Many types of Iris

  14. Gardenia flowers frequently and can by grown into topiary.

    The scent smells of Anais Anais perfume. Star Jasmine has a heady smells and an easy grower that could trail around your window. Some hybrid citrus can be grown into topiaries too and flowers smells fresh and strong. Have you tried petunias? They're also fragrant.

  15. Night scented stocks smell amazing in the evenings and are fairly cheap and easy to grow.  Jasmine's stunning, but has a tendency to die off when transplanted.

  16. put a Lemon plant on your windowsill inside your house, they just basically smell of Lemon! i have them in our house and you can smell them as soon as you walk in the room, they give a really fresh scent.

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