
Can anyone suggest some critical power issues and as to what must be done to save power?

by  |  earlier

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Let me give you an example, one such issue is putting our computer on a standby mode while its not being operated upon, like wise in an air-conditioner where the compressor is put off for sometime if the desired temperature is reached automatically!

things like that!




  1. I think "turn things off when you aren't using them" needs to be ingrained more. Heck, unplug them too.

    Don't use your washing machine until you have a full load.

    Don't turn your thermostat up. Put a sweater on.

    Energy saving lightbulbs are a must as well.

  2. Get politics out of producing electric power. The power co. job is to produce power and plenty of it. The global warming is a hoax and the socialist want to cripple this country .

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