
Can anyone suggest some ways which might reduce the number of fires caused by man?

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Can anyone suggest some ways which might reduce the number of fires caused by man?




  1. Stop slash and burn farming this causes many forest fires when they go out of control.

    The others are mostly started by accident because of visitors who build unsafe camp fires,or people leaving trash that includes glass,or by throwing burning cigarette ends out of car windows.

    Pyromaniacs  are also the cause who start fires on purpose .

    The solutions are not easy ,ban matches,or smoking is not possible ,

    Start executing pyromaniacs??many will object.

    Plow more fire breaks and and regularly re plow

    could help some but is easier said then done .

    Appeal to the public to be more careful ,this is being done all the time .

  2. Take fire out of the hands of those nasty ol' humans!

    But then, you're gonna have to SOMETHING to control that nasty ol' hag, Mother Nature!  She keeps flinging around those lightning bolts that have more potential for starting fires than all the pyromaniacs combined!

    And then we need to do something to curb those idiotic "environmentalists" that cause the government to prohibit the clearing of dead brush and undergrowth from our national forests.  They think it's so "natural" and "eco-friendly", so it just lays there and provides tinder for the gigantic forest fires that we have more frequently than not, causing them to burn hotter and spread faster than they would without the dried tinder to aid it.

  3. Are we in Greece or the US?

  4. A big help would be if we could get the smokers to quit

    throwing lit cigarettes out of their car windows!!!!!

    We had a restaurant here in town that caught on fire from

    a lit cigarette being thrown into the landscape mulch out

    in front of the restaurant.  It caused enough damage that

    they tore the restaurant down and all those employees lost

    their jobs!

  5. People intentionally and accidently cause forest fires through campfires or discarded cigarettes.  Both causes can be reduced through education and, if necessary, by creating and enforcing more stringent rules in campgrounds where the fire hazard is considerable.

    Some fires are started by welding, downed power lines or other equipment failures, even sparks as a vehicle in dry brush hits a rock.  Avoiding those kinds of accidents is more problematic, but assessing and collecting fines for careless actions might reduce those problems, too.

    Bottom line is it costs millions to fight fires, people put their lives on the line, and it's up to all of us to act as the eyes and ears of the forest to try to help Smokey prevent forest fires.

  6. Investigate the cause of fires to determine the level of the problem and in order to catch arsonists. Engineer safety features into equipment that may pose a danger (eg, vehicles). Limit risky activities on days of high fire danger (eg welding, educate people about fire its effects and how to prevent fires

  7. Reduce the human population to 500,000,000 or less over the next generation. This means killing all the poor peoples babies, but the conservationists do not care.

  8. one has just started in Massachusetts. the cigarettes have to burn out in so many seconds if not smoked.

    don't throw your glass containers out on the ground. the sun hits it and it starts a fire just as if you used a magnifying glass.

    don't wash and definitely don't dry clothes when not at home.

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