
Can anyone suggest somewhere to volunteer to get experience in health and medicine?

by  |  earlier

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I already have lots of experience as a CNA, and have a very high B average, but I want to strengthen my application even more, b/c I know how competitive RN schools are. Can anyone help me with some ideas? I want something that will make me feel like I am making a difference in my community, that relates to health and medicine. I also have a strong interest in domestic violence and substance abuse, b/c I have been personally impacted by it (who hasn't these days!?) Everyone says to volunteer in a hospital, but that seems so darn redundant to me since I already work in a hospital.




  1. Nursing home, blood drives (even organize your own), homeless shelters, battered womens shelters, hospices

  2. You've gotten some GREAT suggestions. I'll also throw in Planned Parenthood.

    For whatever you choose to focus on, treat getting this volunteering experience like getting a job. Don't just call organizations and say, "I want to volunteer. What can I do?" Instead, call and say, "I want to volunteer and I have a lot of experience as a CNA. May I speak to your volunteer coordinator?" Then explain to that person that you would like to come onsite for an informal interview, so he or she can review your credentials and see that you are "for real", and really want to volunteer at the organization.

    It may take several phone calls, but be persistent.

  3. Volunteer at a halfway house for drug and alcohol abuse or at a rehab clinic.

  4. A nursing home would be more than happy to have volunteers

    and we kind of owe it to our elders to make sure they aren't getting taken advantage of etc and they are pretty lonely too. You also might try looking up drug rehab clinics and give them a call they may have houses where people stay that need help.hope it helped

  5. Any hospital maybe clinic

  6. i'm sure any local hospital would love volunteers, and it might seem "redundnant" but it is still really important and helpful!

    also maybe a nursing home?

    there are also organizations like suicide hotlines or peer councilors that talk to teens about their problems and help them solve them, talk to your councilor/advisor about that they will show you some good options

  7. Check to see if there is an active Medical Reserve Corps in your area. This group responds disasters, local and outside your local area. I know that the Special Needs shelters in my area are always looking for CNAs when the shelters are open. Here is the link:

    U.S. Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corp

    Check with the clinics in your area that serve the homeless, veterans, or people with mental health needs. There are two clinics in my area that use volunteers extensively.

    Also, consider volunteering with health related nonprofit groups: American Heart Association, American Red Cross, American Cancer Society, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Arthritis Foundation, your local substance abuse prevention groups, Mental Health Association, Crisis Nursery, etc.

    Try doing a search for your community and areas of interest at the Volunteer Match web site:

    I was a Red Cross volunteer throughout my time at Nursing School; I taught CPR, First Aid classes, I coordinated First Aid Stations, and worked on disaster responses. It worked out well for me.

    Good luck to you.

  8. How about starting your own support group. You can ask a local church to volunteer a room for you to use 1x a week. Post fliers  at Al A Non meetings & the local foodstamp office or welfare office, also on church bulletins. Go to schools in your area and ask can they attach the fliers to thier monthly news letter that they send home with the students.Leave fliers in the ER waiting room also. Get your name of group  out there to be noticed.Please have a seperate craft room for children to attend as parents cant often attend due to no babysitter.Just dont start something you cant follow thru on since people will be depending on you to be there in their time of need and it will stop them from  seeking help in the future if you are a no show. Good luck.

  9. I thought this was my profile, we are exactly alike in our intrest occupation, and experiences. I am a soc major and I plan to submitt my applications for internships or volunteer work at a crisis nursery center, womens shelter, public health, or commuinty clinics. I work in the ER so I get plenty of experience there too! Have you tried the americorps website.Schools might be another place to look in. Mens' shelter have plenty of substance abuse issues there, have you been to your local rehab. Perhaps you can job shadow a doctor?!

    If you are in college, ask a specialist in the career center to keep direct you to some of your intrest. Good Luck!

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