
Can anyone suggest the best antinnae to catch TV signals from a cable passing near my house?

by  |  earlier

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ie,which shape is best? A coil of insul.copperwire of 1 feet, An antinnae of TV(of terrestrial transmission-receiving),. ..or what? i mean to place it near the cable,so that i can recieve cableTV signals which passes through it clearly. ?




  1. why not just order your own cable, it is affordable you know

  2. It impossible to "catch cable signals" because they do not pass thru the air .

    The reason it is called cable tv it's delivered by a cable into your home .

    Why don't you just watch over the air tv instead of trying to come up with a plan to steal cable tv .

  3. Cable system are required by law to keep the cable TV signal confined to the coax cable.. You cannot catch the signal.  If there is any leakage it will be detected by the cable company and they will  come out and fix it.  Leakage will occur only if the center core of the cable line is exposed along a trunk/feeder line.

    There may be minor leakage at other places buy not enough to capture the signal.

    Sorry!! Good Idea but it will not work.

    Just pay for the cable and get it legally.

  4. What you are thinking of is not possible.

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