Ok first off, i'm not looking for any 'seek a professional, you need help' answers, I am in the process on getting the help. so thank you anyway.
What i am wondering is if anyone recognizes any of these symptoms in ONE specific illness;
Suicidal, Depressed, making lies and then believing they're real, wanting to be a bird (as they're life is easier[don't ask I don't know myself]), one minute being fine and next feeling like throwing yourself out a very high window, not wanting to talk at all, constant headaches, nausea and dizziness, sleeping either allot (15hours or more) or not sleeping at all.
that's all i can think of right now.
anyone recognize any of them? obviously being suicidal means i don't want to live, but that tide in with everything else.
And just in-case; i'm not a little 13 yr old, I am a grown woman.