
Can anyone take our president seriously when scolding Russia for war in Georgia?

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Is it true that it is okay for US troops to take a country by storm but when another country mirrors our actions it's wrong. Must be the way of the new world order.




  1. russian attacked a standing democracy....... not a dictatorship that was threatening them with WMD.

  2. He's a hypocrite, that's for sure.  However, the USA probably had better reason to invade Iraq than Russia did to invade Georgia.  Bush's lies and reasoning, if true, would have justified the Iraq invasion...of course there were no WMD, never was. So Iraq was invaded by an idiot for idiotic and political reasons.  However, Georgia was invaded because Russia wanted to punish them...something that could have been done at the UN without killing hundreds of innocent people.  Though I'm against the Iraq war, what Russia did was very careless and cruel.

  3. It would be nice if you didn't have to take that bumbling moron seriously.

    Unfortunately, he's a bumbling moron with control of thousands of nuclear weapons.  

    Sleep well.

  4. Fascinating.....there are actually people answering here that are trying, in an almost comically retarded way, to support the invasion of Iraq.  These are the same idiots that think they know even the slightest bit about these 'wars' (read 'CRIMES' ) thousands of miles away from their warm, safe living rooms.  

    The hypocrisy is so thick in anything uttered by our moronic 'leaders' that listening to it has become an exercise in restraint.  They are force feeding it to us through every channel they can control, which is most of them.  Everyone that is for any type of killing of other human beings, whether immediate or on a more insidious, chronic basis, should read two things and then ask themselves whether or not they still believe the c**p they've said they believe about that type of barbarism.

    1) 1984--George Orwell.  If you haven't read it, shut up about world politics.  If you have and are spewing out the kind of dribble that is listed here for answers, try the book and not the cliffs notes.

    2) Anything by Joseph Goebbels or Hitler regarding the use of propaganda.  These guys were sadistic whackjobs, but they knew how to convince people that killing was OK and necessary.  Millions of wasted lives later, they were finally stopped.  From the sound of today's propaganda, at least a few people were watching and learning from these evil b******s.

    Don't forget to insert today's buzzwords into these writings, stuff like "War on Terror' and 'islamic fundamentalists' and 'al quaeda' and 'peak oil' and 'global warming' and on and on.  

    My answer to your question is simple.  Taking our president seriously was never an option, at least for people with anything more than a brain stem.  Judging from the answers here, your question may have been intercepted by a herd of sheep.  

    “The shepherd always tries to persuade the sheep that their interests and his own are the same.”


  5. Thats Bush politics, the pot calling the kettle black.

  6. Agree pretty much same thing. In fact Russia is far more justified. Georgia launched an attack on an independent area of quasi Russian citizens. They called for help and Russia answered.

  7. This is only due to US.  

    Russian and Georgian lived together for a long time.  All the thing are happening due to US.

    What do want to listen from innocents.  They are the killers.  Your stars does not effect.  What the true always stay true.

  8. what country did the US ever take by storm? If you can't see the difference between liberating people from tyrannical dictatorship, setting up a democracy and then leaving, as the US has always done, if you can't see the difference between that and what Russia is doing now in Georgia you must have -- well, you must have the IQ deficiency low enough to qualify you as an Obama supporter.  

  9. Very few people take Bush seriously anymore.

    Bush and Rumsfeld were looking for more troops for the "Coalition of the Willing" back in 2002 and 2003.  So they made Georgia some hints they couldn't follow up on and promises they had no intention of keeping.  Georgia's President  Saakashvili was a sucker and swallowed the bait.

    Meanwhile we supported the breakaway republic of Kosovo becoming a nation, against the wishes of Russia and China.  Of course we have every right to do this, but there are more and less diplomatic ways to do this.

    Fast forward to summer 2008 when some provinces of Georgia want to break away.   Saakashvili thinks he has U.S. backing and goes in hard with tanks and artillery and civilians die.  Russian leaders Putin and Medvedev say the situation is just like Kosovo and go in with tanks and artillery to defend the breakaway provinces, and more people die.

    Georgian President Saakashvili calls on Bush for help.  Bush ignores him and continues frolicking with the beach volleyball women at the olympics:

    To repeat my answer, no, not many people take Bush seriously anymore.  Interestingly, McCain has been parroting Bush's tough talk about Georgia and Russia.  Does anyone believe that McCain can do more than scold?  If so, would McCain pull troops out of Iraq?

  10. Totally different.

    One took a country based on a false security threat and fabricated evidence and the other...oh...nevermind.

  11. When you compare apples and oranges, I can't take you seriously.

    Find out the facts before you make yourself look stupid with uninformed questions and assumptions.

  12. First of all the US led a coalition of nations in the invasion of Iraq.  Secondly, your assertion implies that the two conflicts have anything in common when in all reality they do not.  

  13. I can't take your President seriously full stop.

  14. "Nations do not invade nations in the 21st century"

    We worry about McCain as he may have started WWIII

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