
Can anyone teach me German?I am moving to Germany soon and I need help!!!!!!!!?

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I am leavin in six months




  1. Don't you think you should have learned it long before making the decision to move there?

  2. I suggest until you move you read as many books as you can, listen to audios and dvd's and if you can try to find someone that speaks the language well that you could have tutor you, in person is the best way to learn it.

    THEN when you move to Germany you can actually take classes that teach people like yourself to learn proper German.

    As mentioned it is a tricky language. I know many words after 18 years but the grammar is always the hardest part. So that is what I would do. Learn some basics and I suggest NON BERLINEZE GERMAN UNLESS you are moving to Berling.

    It is their accent, like NYC vs Texas. Most speak unlike the Berliners. NOt that they are wrong, they pronounce things a bit different and it is hard for me to understand so unless you are moving to Berlin learn non Berlin style German.

    You will do well I am sure, a few phrases here and there and just being there you will learn it!! I did!

  3. German is one of the trickiest languages to learn, or so I have been told by others ( I am German, so I couldn't really say). How "soon" are you moving? You won't be able to "learn German" in three months.

  4. I know a little...

    Hallo: Hello

    Guten Tag: Good Day

    Guten Morgen: Good Morning

    Ich: I

    Deutsch: German

    Deutschland: Germany

    Guten: Good

    Tschuess: Bye ( There's also a another, don't know it )

    Sauer: Sour

    Schlecht:  Bad

    Milch: Milk

    Äpfel: Apples

    Danke: Thank You

    Ihr Willkommen: Your Welcome

    Hope this helps!

  5. ok youll never learn german to live here from audio stuff,you need to get a private tutor,other books will only teach you travel stuff like "where can i get a hotel"and stuff.DO NOT MAKE THAT MISTAKE!

  6. I would suggest taking a crash course at a private school so you can at least get the basics before you go.  Since you are moving there to live and not just to visit, ask your instructor to do "role plays" with you.  Practice things you need to say/know in these situations:

    Post Office


    on the Subway/bus

    Asking for directions

    Paying for things

    Situational understanding and the ability to deal with these everday environments will help you a lot.  These things should at least get you started.  

    I moved there in 1998 with very little German and ended up learning 95% of it there.  It was probably the best way to do it because I was immersed in the language.  Watch lots of German t.v. when you first get there.  Just listen, listen, listen.  Passive understanding comes WAY before active speaking.  

    Be prepared to feel uncomfortable and be embarrased, but most Germans will love that you even try to speak their language.  I was determined to learn it and not fall back on English (as most Germans speak decent English) and after 1 year of living there I had people telling me constantly, "you're German is really good!".

    I would also suggest taking a class at the Volkshochschule right when you get there.  You will be in a class with people from all over the world and will be forced to speak only German because everyone will know their own native languages and the only way you will be able to communicate is with German.

    Good luck and have fun!

  7. while you may not become fluent in six months, doing a few levels of Pimsleur German would certainly help.  it teaches you to speak and read without worrying too much about grammer or repeating the same noun over and over again.  it CERTAINLY will help you to communicate and you can pick up the rest when you live there.  of course, read and study anything else german in addition to the Pimsleur cd's/tapes.

  8. Have a look at

    It is a free site teaching languages and you can get tutorial from natives on there.

    Also feel free to contact me through my profile here I am translator and interpreter but I also teach German

  9. I could help you if you want....I am living in germany since I am 8 years old and now I am almost 18 and my german is as good as the german of native speakers....mostly even better so if you want help I could help you!^^

  10. no but rosseta stone

  11. Ich ziehe mich nach Deutschland um.


  12. hi.. I`m living here in Hanover Germany for 8months and  learning their language for 4months .. their language is very difficult. .especially the pronoun´cation.and the grammar..evry noun there is an article. Some native German people here specially people on the street(der Strasse)  they speak wrong grammar..first letter of all noun must be capitalized.  its not easy to teach u here..but don´t worry if you are interested you can learn easily..try this site.. this is my favourate site.. it helps me a lot. you can hear also how to pronounce the word. or

    enjoy learning..

  13. Are you military? At most bases they offer courses at the community and/or family support centers to help learn the languages. And you'll be amazed at how much you just pick up after awhile by just being immersed in the culture.

    Have fun in Germany! I miss it like crazy!!

  14. Are you English / Welsh / Scottish / Irish? Well if you are, (and you're not from republic of ireland) you will have heard of the BBC! If you're American etc, the BBC is our mainstream channel. BBC1 and BB2. They have a very very good site that can help you on your way to picking up the language.

    they also have a very good course where you get emails sent to you each week for 3 months and, assuming you learn it properly, it should be very helpful. I am learning Spanish and use this site to help with it all the time.

    I'd also suggest finding a tutor, as you need to learn to speak some German as well. Get the pronounciations right etc. If you work hard, you could pick up a lot of basic German in 6 months! My german is too advanced now, but I just started Spanish 3 months ago and already I could tell you quite a bit.

    I also agree with what was said above me. If you get started on your own now, then when you move to Germany, find a class there. You really have no idea how much easier it is learning a language when you're completely surrouned by it. You just pick things up. I'll aways remember with German the phrase 'ganz genau'. I never actually got told what it meant, but i figured it out because everytime we got an answer right, or we spoke to my lecturer perfectly, she would always say 'ganz genau!'

    Good luck with your studies in German. It is a wonderful language to learn and NEVER be too scared to try it out and speak to the Germans. They really are amazing when it comes to foreigners trying to learn their language and they will help you, not make fun. It is a lovely country and you'll have a great time living there!

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