
Can anyone teach me how to learn to be "content"??

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Hi ,

Can anyone teach me how to learn to be "content"??

Why I am always jealous of someone who is better than me.

I do really hate myself for having this feeling but I just cannot stop it....!!! Please help me........

Thank you.




  1. you are jealous because you lack it yourself. if you are satisfied with what you have, then you won't be jealous. use jealous as a mirror to your mind to find out where you are weak and improve on that weakness.

  2. Its natural to feel jealous. Everyone thinks like this: everyone wants something better than what they've got (like the whole 'the grass is greener on the other side' thing)

    Try thinking about all the people who've got less than you, not to feel like you're better than them, but it'll help you feel more grateful about what you've got. Also, try not taking things for granted - sounds easy doesn't it, everybody says it, but seriously, just think about it for a while: think about what it would be like for someone without clean water, nice food ect.

    Secondly, accept your feelings: yes you are jealous. This will help you move on.

    And finally, trying thinking about this: yes, what the other person has is very nice, but would you realy use it or would it just sit on the shelf like that top you bought ages ago?

    Hope I helped :)

  3. Life is the best teacher. When you fail to acquire things you have become attached to, life takes away what little you do seem to have and this forces you to feel humble. Humility leads to the destruction of the ego which is the root cause of discontentment, I think.

  4. the people you are


    are better than you, have problems and hangups just like you do.....without a doubt..

    just think to yourself, every dog has its day.

    think about it like this....when they are having a good time, enjoying a promotion, getting a lot of money...

    you might be having a real rough day and things are not working out for you at all....


    sometime when a great thing happens to you, they may be crying their eyes out about something that has happened to them..

    while you are celebrating, they could be crying...and

    visa versa

    it is called "life"

  5. love YOUrself.Ü

  6. We all learn as we live and come across situations of life. I do not think that there anywhere in life is a chance for us to just sit back and enjoy the perfectly formulated templates of our behaviours, the patters of feeling specific to us, working their magic into making our life just so good and endearing. I believe we all need to move with time and allow new changes to take place. There are things is our life, like our feelings of anger, hatred, jealousy and wastefulness that need our regular attention, for this is how they are a part of our mind, I reckon. I believe all things in the mind have their purpose and some use, it is only when we mishandle them, or try to ignore them or disown them they god out of our control and assume their our course through our life.

    May be you need to feel content with the way you feel to start with, to accept your feelings, and also yourself in a new and better way. You can see if you allow yourself a chance that jealousy in fact is part of your string defensive mechanism that is in place to safe guard your very own preferences about all the matters that are important to you as a person. If you love someone then it is natural to jealous, even very jealous. As when we believe that something that we value most is being taken away from us, or if we realise that we are going to lose what we love most, we are bound to feel terrible hurt. The remedy is within the wisdom that if you can feel, of see something, then it is not out of your mind, and therefore out of control. All you have to do is accept the way you feel, observe it calmly and collectedly. Our emotions are wordless language of our mind, where a single feeling could embody what if put in words may speak volumes.

  7. one point i want to add to all the above is maybe u could think 'better at' rather than 'better than'.

    there's always going to someone better at something than u(unless ure the best at!) but that doesnt make them better THAN u.

    maybe u are better at something than someone else in which case relish it but u arent better than because of it . get it?

    maybe someones better at getting the girl/boy but c**p at keeping it going or whatever etc etc. maybe ure better at keeping it going but c**p at starting it!.( but thats s'thing u could get over anyway)

    anyway.... keep going

  8. Emotional roller coasters are addictions. Be aware, but don't dwell on it and surrender it to what is Higher and can take it. Prayer, meditation  and  affirmations help. Notice your emotional reactions become harmonious as you come to peaceful surrender.

  9. time teaches you contentment and experience makes you grateful for what you have

  10. I think you have to delve into your psyche and try to understand the basics of your jealousy - what is it that they get from being 'better than'

    love? attention?

    jealousy is most often a feeling tht someoen has something that really belongs to us - If oyu find out what it is you can amke sure that you get it for oyurself.

    The surefire way is to give it to yourself - and also to recognize when it has been given to you.

    Also savouring works each evening go back over your day and really savour the moments when you were feeling good .Focussin on the positive apects of oyur life will make the negatives smaller

    When I was a young teenager I left home to look for love   -  I looked high and low and here and there had had a lot of fascinating adventures and dodgy experiences but it want until my forties that  I realized I had actually been loved all the time but couldn't let it in to consciousness as I had a structurally fixed idea in my subconscious that I wasn't lovable so everything I got - I dismissed - Love was always somewhere out of my reach .

    What might help you to give whatever you need to yourself is disengaging from the social rules about winners and losers and best and worst and having your own personal scale for yourself -

  11. this is something you have to figure out on your own - control and understanding :)

  12. The obvious answer is if you can learn to seperate your needs from your wants and learn to value those things you already have you will be more content.look about you and see those things and, after all, it is the intangible which has moe long term value. From a distance a field may appear to be entirely green and lush, but a closer inspection will often reveal bare patches and unattractive weeds. Many times a thing is only desirable because it belongs to another person.

    One must look within for peace of mind.  The only true source of contentment lies within and one must learn to quiet the mind to find that peaceful space.  There are those teachers who can point ways to the place  of contentment, but only the individual seeker  can take him or her self to that place.

  13. It is all about expectation so dont expect anything for anybody rather let them expect something from you, so in this way you will be content

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