
Can anyone teach me to enhance my clair-voyant/audient ability?

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are there any advanced clairvoyant psychics able to teach me to enhance my ability?gifted ones or developed ones.if the answer is no then just dont post an answer that would be pointless in my view.




  1. I suggest buying a Magic 8-ball.They're in the Ouija section of Toys R Us.They have a demonstrated accuracy rate higher then any psychic/clair-voyant/audient.Guaranteed.

  2. You might look into Remote Viewing. There are those who claim to be able to teach you this ability for a "special price."

  3. Yes, but the answer is that person is you. You could use some help from someone who knows, like a coach. Anyone born with a talent is lucky, but unless you work hard to develop a talent, it will never be something more than an oddity, or a silly trick, like rolling the tongue. In sports, the gifted only go so far without hard work and coaching. Your situation is no different. Your coach (this word works, but you can call the person a spiritual counselor if it makes you feel better) should insist on your dedicated hard work. If you show your dedication and work hard at learning your craft and combine those things with a coach who can show you some technique, then you certainly can enhance any ability. You can find your coach based on the answers you get. Not answers from just here, but the answers of the questions of your life. There are not many who have great talents. Of those who do, most never develop their talents and they go to waste. Whether you think a talent is God-given or not, it is a special, uniquely personal phenomenon that is a terrible thing to waste by ignoring it or failing to nourish it.

  4. Practice, practice, practice...and learn to have some faith in your abilities.

    Remember also that things are sometimes very subtle so don't miss your results.

  5. practice meditation ,is very useful,The concept of ACTIVATING [something] is a particular challenge, especially when it is known to exist, but stubbornly refuses to get up and do its stuff -- because the wrong concepts are being used in the attempt to bring about activation,so there are two major routes to take: to learn how to activate it on the one hand, and to find out what's preventing it from activating on the other. think about it...

  6. Brilliant question!

    Look for a book about the Rosecrusians. There are a lot of training lessons in there.

    You may never feel the same after you start training though so make sure you want it.

    After I started messing around with the lessons I became very sensitive in all of my senses and I have to say it is not all good.

  7. Ah' you have given me insight to something already that might be a roadblock to your abilities. You exhibit frustration. That is, by telling readers to NOT answer no and waste your time.

       We have all read your question, and therefor given you our time. So, even a trite response would still be additional time involved. Don't let the rubbish stand in the way of getting to the truth. The truth is always before your eyes.

       Here is an exercise for you that will increase your abilities.

       First find a field where you can throw a soft rubber ball. Preferably not a brightly colored ball, and a ball that is not large. Even a baseball will do.

       The field must be overgrown with weeds high enough to make the ball "dis-appear".

       The exercise is elementary, yet highly effective at training your mind to see without eyes, and yes, hear without ears.

       Turn your back to the field and toss the ball over your back into the field. Rely on your hearing for a few short tosses.

        Now, shut your senses completely "off". Put in earplugs if you have to.

       Now, with the 1 ball (don't use several or you might get confused) throw it out in the field and go to it.

    Note, I didn't say, 'go try and find it'.

    I said, go get it.

    You MUST confide in knowing where it is at all times.

    You can utilize the energy from another person ( not to mention they can help you by throwing it for you etc.

    I taught my 2 year old son to do this several years ago. He's since forgotten... Maybe not though. I keep my abilities to myself these days for the most part.

  8. The answer is no, and your question is the thing that is pointless.  You cannot enhance a nonexistent ability.

  9. I was born with my clairaudient, clairsentient, and clairvoyant ability.

    A lot of people report consistent meditation 20-30 minutes a day five or six days a week enhances their clairvoyant abilities.

    I lost my clairvoyant abilities as a a teenager; but I regained them via meditation.

    as a teenager I did not want to be perceived to be weird, and as an adult; I didn't care what others thought of me.

  10. Science has discovered that the Pineal Gland is a light sensing organ. It is buried deep within the brain. It is being used by you now, only subconsciously. You have been taught all your life how to deny the existence of your natural abilities. And many people answering your question now are examples of them. Why are they here in this section if they don't believe? When you learn to avoid them your abilities will begin to return to you. You can do this by simply not sharing your thoughts with them. They are prophets of nothing. When you have mastered this, without becoming cynical like them, you will move to the next level and a teacher will find you.

  11. The only people who have ESP are those who talk themselves into it.  Once you're sure you have it, try it out on a complete stranger and see what he tells you.  Chances are, unless he's gullible and easily misled as well, that he will look at you as if you're crazy, laugh nervously and then walk away.

    Why do you and others like you insist that ESP exists?  You have never definitively used it yourselves and no studies (and there have been a lot of them) have shown any positive results.

    Why do so many people choose to employ magical thinking?

  12. It's not pointless to post a "no" answer, especially if the answer is "no". You may not get the answer you're expecting, but if the answer leads to more wisdom, then it's still a good answer.

    And wisdom is recognizing that there is no evidence at all for any clairvoyant ability. All clairvoyants fail when they are tested. If you think you have an ability or "gift", find a level-headed friend who doesn't believe in clairvoyance to help you test it and give you a second opinion. If you do this, you'll understand what I'm saying here.

  13. Make many statements about the world and never admit that you're wrong.  With practice, you will become so good at explaining how what you said previously really did happen despite it being impossible for you to have know at the time that you will appear to know almost everything.  There is no real difference between appearing to know everything and truly knowing everything.

  14. My experience is that there is much in the world that cannot be explained through the scientific method. To improve you intuition:

    - Do not judge yourself or others

    - Learn to meditate, learn to relax, slow way down

    - Let go of your preconceptions and other attachments.

    - Use your dreams (dream interpretation)

    - Learn about remote viewing.

    - Read about clarivoyants (people)

    - Develop your spiritual/mystical side

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