
Can anyone tell about the neighborhood around Jacksonville NAS, like crime. sheriff dept was no help.

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my daughter nad her husband have been stationed at jacksonville Nas and some of the aprtments there and theHigh crime rate have her concerned. The Duval county sheriffs couldn'r tell her anything about the aprtment complex they chose. The Arbors at Orange Park near Jax NAS. Can Anyboby from there give some insight. They transferring from Wash.DC and are glad to leaving becuase of all crime. did they trade from one war zone to another?




  1. I live in Orange Park and I must say that they did not pick the greatest area of Orange Park.  The neighborhood around the complex is run down and like I said its not the best area.  Considering many other places that they could have chose in Jacksonville's westside (which is close to NAS just as Orange Park is) they made the better choice by going with this complex.  If they are not bound to anything and want a safer area I would advise them to continue to look around. It would be better if they went towards Fleming Island...There are nice apartments on Wells Road and a couple on Blanding. There are many more options in Orange Park.

  2. Have them contact the Housing Referral Office on base. They have the statistics on which areas to stay out of. Here's a link to the base web site:

    He should also request a sponsor from his command, they are supposed to help with the transition.

  3. Orange Park looks to be pretty safe, never been there but have been to St Pete Beach...which shares the same rate of crime according to the FBI statistics. St Pete Beach is pretty darned quiet..I think they'll be fine.

  4. Don't know that side of the river intimately, but in general the main problem on Orange Park is traffic, not crime. About the only real problems I've heard about around OP is in the area of strip clubs and bars near the base, not the more residental areas. The worst parts in Jax residential crimewise are Northside, significantly removed from the NAS area.

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