
Can anyone tell if "whooping cough" can be permanent?

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My fiance's son supposed to have it...




  1. My brother had this when he was about 12. He had it for like 4 months and was treated with antibiotics. It did go away and he is fine now. He never got it back and he is 25 now.  

  2. It can be permanent if not treated and can also cause all kinds of other problems. Get him to the doctor, it is easily treated with anti-biotics

  3. It's an infection.  It might take a long time to go away, and after that it might take a while for the damage to heal.  But it is not permanent.  These days it's very easy to treat with antibiotics.  In fact there is a vaccine for it now and it's gotten very rare.  When I was a kid it was more common.

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