
Can anyone tell me, in nutrition?

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the difference between

calories from fat (difference in regular calories)

Total Fat

saturated fat

and trans fat?

there are too many different fats in food. whats the difference? do i need to stay away from some fats more than others? or are they equally bad?




  1. calories from fat = the ammount of calories that the total fat equals.

    saturated fats are bad. Diets high in saturated fat are correlated with an increased incidence of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

    Trans fat is the common name for a type of unsaturated fat with trans-isomer fatty acid. Trans fats may be monounsaturated or polyunsaturated,  and are "healthy fats,"

    fat has a bad name, some is bad some isnt.

  2. The calories are the same, but the way your body processes/reacts to them is different. It really is based on chemistry. Total fat just means all the fat that's in the meal/food item.

    Saturated fat is from an animal and trans fat exists very little in meat naturally, but we have loads of it in junk food and margarine (aka forced a liquid fat into becoming a solid fat). You should avoid sat fat and trans fat because they tend to cause cardiovascular harm when you eat it in abundance.

    Monosaturated and polysaturated fats are good fats, such as olive oil. The unsaturated fats (the two I just listed) do not increase LDL or contribute to cholesterol... in fact some lower your LDL and increase your HDL.

    HDL are good lipids (fats) and LDL are bad lipids

    Don't avoid fats because each cell membrane is composed of fats, your brain and nervous system are also made of fats. Try to consume more of the heart healthy fats and reduce your sat fat consumption. Some studies suggest trans fat is more hazardous to your health than sat fat, so try to avoid trans fat at all costs.

  3. stay away from saturated fats which are fats you can't get rid of, trans fats promote heart disease and fat itself can turn into energy and can be gotten rid of.

    calories from fat are twice the amount so 30 calories from fat are 60 regular calories

    more info on

  4. you want to stay away from trans fats.... that is bad fat.  saturated fat is ok, but should be veared from as much as possible.  in other words, eat as little fat as possible.    

  5. Saturated Fat is fat that is solid in room temperature...such as fat on a piece of steak, butter, cheese, chocolate, lard.

    Trans Fat is bad for your health and weight.....its used in deep frying foods, take-away processed foods, cakes,  biscuits, pastries, pies.

    Trans fat increases the level of bad LDL cholesterol in much the same way as saturated fat. And worse, it seems to also lower the concentration of good HDL cholesterol that’s protective against heart disease.

    A protein calorie is no different from a fat calorie -- they are simply units of energy. As long as you burn what you eat, you will maintain your weight; and as long as you burn more than you eat, you'll lose weight.

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