
Can anyone tell me, what do i have to go through to take a horse across the mexican border and back?

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Can anyone tell me, what do i have to go through to take a horse across the mexican border and back?




  1. Turn around quickly ?

  2. Yes, check with your vet...vets in border states should definetly know.  I know you will need a vets international health certificate less than 72 hrs old when you cross, and a complete vacccination record.

  3. Talk to your vet...

  4. I don't know if you can take livestock over the border - horse is a livestock.

    Check with Mexico Customs and Immigration or phone the nearest Mexican Consulate in the United States

  5. I'm a mexican vet, and a dairyman.

    We have imported dairy cattle from US and Canada, but at the present time border is closed to CATTLE because of BSE (we don't have it in México).

    About horses, actually I'm not very informed. But you should ask about in the USDA (I guess you know what it is: Department of Agriculture).

    There are many requirements to cross the border with livestock, besides you also must tell to where in México you are taking the horse, move animals inside the country is regulated by laws, there are many check points and you need perfect documentation.

    Ask some exporter about it. Some friends imported horses from Lexington KY some time ago.

    Your question is pretty hard to get an answer at this forum.

    I'm really sorry I can't be more helpful. I'm not a horseman.

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