
Can anyone tell me, what is the oldest age a person can start training for a comercial pilots licence?

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Can anyone tell me, what is the oldest age a person can start training for a comercial pilots licence?




  1. Plenty of airliners get ferried by guys older than 65.  And there are plenty of commercial pilot jobs outside the airlines.

  2. John R is correct, there is no limitation on age.  If you are 97 and can pass a second class medical, you can train to be a commercial pilot.  The only other prerequisite of course is that you have a private certificate first.

  3. While airline pilots do have a mandatory retirement age,  the only age limitation for a commercial pilots license is the ability to pass the second class physical.   There are a lot of commercial pilots that do not fly for the airlines.  At our local airport the newest flight instructor got his commercial license  at age 68 after retiring from his job.

  4. lets put it this way....The oldest you can be a airline pilot is 65. So why get your CPL when your 64?

  5. You can fly boeings, airbus', little ones, big ones, anything you want til your................well till your very old and dead. Not all of us will ever fly for the airlines or ever wanted to. Go for it.

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