
Can anyone tell me 5 human disasters?

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can anyone name 5 human disasters like twin towers falling something like that




  1. Sure I COULD, but to what end?  You've already named one, if you think a bit, you'll come up with a few more.

  2. Atomic bombs in Japan, any of the constant terror bombings that go on every day, genocide in Rwanda and Darfur, war in general, Japanese POW camps in WWII.

  3. Well, how about (USA oriented):

         The San Francisco Earthquake/Fire of the early 20th century

         The Johnstown Flood

         The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001

         The Chicago Fire

         The Katrina Hurricane

  4. I can name one that encompasses atleast 5, George W. Bush!

  5. In modern times, don't forget trouble on the Internet.  Millions of people have been exposed to Identity Theft .... here's a chronology of breaches in recent years.

    Here is a list of disasters.

    It includes

    * natural disasters like Katrina

    The twin towers collapsing was the result of an act of war, depending on how you view the war of terrorism.

    As warfare goes, that was pretty small potatoes compared to mass firebombing of WW II.

    Given recent news of a bridge going donw, you might be interested in a list of what other bridges have collapsed

    Here is a list of epidemics

    The 1918 pandemic was especially bad, but not as bad as the black death.

    Here's links to lists by death toll

    Such as the deadliest natural disasters

    I always thought the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs was the worst, because it anhillated many different kids of life on the planet

    Genocide was going on long before the terminology got coined ... look at the Bible, what went on in Europe in the Middle Ages, and how the New World settlers prepared the way for their colonization

    Here's lists of wars by which got the most people killed

    How about communities that got destroyed?

    Here's link to lists of different kinds of aviation disasters.

    Rail accidents


  6. 911 wasn't a disaster; it was an intentional declaration of war, just as the attack on Pearl Harbor was a declaration of war (and in which nearly as many people died).  The deaths caused by the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki likewise weren't disasters; those deaths were intentional.  The genocide in Darfur, in Rwanda, in Hitlers Germany likewise are not disasters.  The number of lives lost has been horrific but it has been done with intent.  

    Wether man made caused by negligence, bad judgement or carelessness, or natural, disasters are unintentional.  Hurricanes, tsunamis, ship wrecks, plane crashes, volcanos; the world has seen its share of disasters.  It's too bad that mankind sees the need to add intentional deaths to the numbers.

  7. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Bill Clinton

  8. concord, titanic, 3 mile island, clumbia shuttle,twa flight 800

  9. Let's say a human disaster excludes nature, involves loss of human life by human causes. Five biggies were: Bhopal (15,000 - 22,000 dead, 3,000 of these immediately), Triangle Factory Fire (146), Sampoon Department Store Collapse (501 dead), the Teneriffe airport collision (583 dead) and the Titanic (1,500 dead). These all had major ramifications on their industries and made huge news. Bhopal far exceeds the rest in loss of life. Chernogyl would be my sixth, rserve choice. It is attributed with 56 deaths.

  10. George W. Bush

    d**k Cheney

    The electoral college

    Corporate america

    Political parties

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