
Can anyone tell me a little about Germany?

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my son is going to be stationed there. May visit him sometime. My ancestry from my grandparents come from Germany.




  1. I don't know where people here get their infos but some of them are totally off or so outdated as the II WW! (Btw. Hitler's homeland was Austria!!!)

    There is a lot to tell, the best thing is to be a bit more specific, like question about economy, politics, geography, or people in general.

    It is definitely a great place to visit. Especially if you are into history. This country has a lot to offer in terms of history from old roman castles to middle ages to more modern castles and buildings, mountains and foothill countrysides, seas, lakes, rivers, large cities with a ton of possibilities for dining, disco, opera/theater, or gorgeous old parks to stroll through and excellent shopping for everything you can imagine.

    You can get around by train the best! Is fairly cheap (especially with rail passes) and you see a lot of the country without the hassle of bad traffic jams that are always present around larger cities.

    The USDollar is about Euro 0.81. Better to take travellers checks for security. Best rates are mostly in the country of the exchanged currency.

    Southern Germany has great large woods and mountains, there are small towns and villages to explore all over with interesting people.

    Most people are helpful and speak at least some english. The language is German btw (not dutch! which is spoken in Holland or Netherlands). National sport of course is soccer! National drink of course is beer!

    The best way is to go over there and check it out!

  2. My husband was stationed in Schweinfurt, Germany from 2002-2005. I really enjoyed living there. There are so many place to go and see. It would be helpful if I knew what part of Germany you son will be in. Germany is similar to America by the fact that the north and south are different as are the east and west. Tell you son to take advantage of as many travel oppurtunities as he can. He will regret that he didn't when he returns to the states. Also, it will be easy for him to call you. The telephone company there has a program for the military. It only cost 5 cents a minute for him to call you. If you want to call him I would suggest buying a phone card. If you can post some additional information, I can better answer your question. What would you like to know about Germany? Are you more interested in Germany or the military bases over there?

    Additional information-

    My husband and I were married the day after he graduated basic training. He left for Germany a month later. (I was not in his orders because we got married after his orders to Germany were sent) I was one of the lucky wives. I only had to wait 1 month before I could join my husband. My friend had to wait 6 months. Housing over there is okay. Mine was good while others were not so good. You can probably get just about anything on base (depending were he is stationed). The biggest PX is in Warsburg. There are so many things to do in Germany. Rothenburg was my favorite. It is the last walled medievil city in Germany. Also Neuschwanstein (King Ludwigs castle) was a great day trip too. Sato Travel (on base) will offer so many weekend and one day trips. Tell your son to take advantage of them.

    One last thing- tell your soon to be daugther-in-law, not to get discouraged. There will be times she hates it over there because of the military and there will be times she loves it. Her husband will more than likely be gone alot or even possibly deployed. There are plenty of jobs on base and even a college (University of Maryland University College). If her FRG (family readiness group) is good, join and be active. Mine was nothing but a gossip and husband bashing group. Stay away from these type of military wives! They will only hurt her marriage. If you would like to know more please e-mail at


  4. they speak german.

    but seriously, go to wikipedia and look it up there.

  5. Germany's president  has the highest approval rating.

  6. The 2006 FIFA World Cup of course!!! :D

  7. -both me and Rob Thomas were born there.

    -The Holocaust took place there, during which an estimated 6 million people were torchured and killed.:(

    -October Fest takes place there yearly. (a festival is celebrated by drinking A LOT of beer and being happily buzzed)

    -They make AWESOME food and speak dutch.

    -There's a city called Nuermburg there.

    -The drinking age is 18 for malt liquors and beer.

    *~hope it helps~*

  8. Hitler's homeland.. but hes dead, so.. not very interesting eh..

    Also, there used to be a few football legends before. Cant remember names.

    Used to be a lot of punks, u kno, rock and roll stuff.

    Used to be a bit messed up because of the economy recession. Where a big bag of money can buy a loaf of bread.

    Thats as far as I kno.

    Hope it helps

    It should be an interesting place to visit

  9. Everything you want to know but were afriad to look..

  10. Germens live there.

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