
Can anyone tell me about Severums fish?

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I am planing to keep Severums fish, but i don't know much about this fish. I saw some severums one of my fren's tanks. They are so beautiful. I think it would be better to know about this fish before i kept them.

So, if you guys know about these fish then please explain to me. like as how many types are there? how big size tank? does they need salt in their water? how big they can get upto? about their breeding etc etc.........

Thanks a lot.....




  1. Severum's banded cichlid comes from the Amazon basin originally. Eats algae, plants, fruits, seeds,detritus in the wild. A peaceful species, best kept by self in pairs.

    Conditions: pH 6-6.5, dH4-6, temp 23-25C.

    Have a large tank at least a 100 gallon size or larger this is for 1 pair also can have other fish but the bigger the tank the better. Some that have been bred in captivity can do well in most tap water, of moderate hardness and neutral pH but bred in softer more acidic water. Theylike water movement but not hard slow is best.They like to hide under plant life in the wild.Many do eat plant life in the wild and will do so in a tank if have righ plants and live ones help.They like rocks and driftwoods this helps limit aggression behaviers and helps with spawning.

    Tankmates= Best to have fish that can survive in water temptures as severums and about same size as well.Can house Festivums, Acaras,(Aequidens specis) Earth eaters,many types of Loricariid and Callichthyid, catfish even large Angels and dwarf cichilds if younge.

    Sererums are herhivorous some home growen lettuce, green peas,or zucchini that's been blanched or microwaved can be offered. Oriental algae based foods or dried foods prepared foods of plant orgin. Beef heart and liver are NOT good foods.Pelletized and stick foods are much better. Can get at local pet store makes less waste for you and fish.An occasional earthworm,mealworm,bloodworm,or marine crustacean offered is a super treat.

    Breeding pairs is best done when they are young and around 6-8 fish are together. Best to let fish mate must easier and they know how to do this best.Males are much bigger with a promment nuchal hump. Most breeders divide the fish but they can see each other this is done to keep the fish from fighting and loss of fish.

    These fish are very sensitive freshwater species to the ill effects of diminished water quality, Head and lateral line disease is often evident,Under crowding ,sensible feeding, sufficient biological filtration, maintenance and fequent partial water changes can /will not cause problems.

    This is a very"nervous" species! Can and does damage its self, even jumping out of its tank if disturbed have to be careful all the time,If increase or decrease lights have to do this slowly as well. Need a complete and secure cover as well. Some do get ich when they are being transported around the word.There is treatments for this.

    Common colors are Golg/green, brown But this fish can and does chang colors with diets,water conditions, tank mates,tempture and some just have hereditary colors.

    They grow fast and big in size lentgh and around. I'am sure the salt water fish have brighter colors and different as well we all know salt water fish are alot colorful than fresh fish. You have to decide wich tank you want and fish such as fresh -v- salt.

  2. check this site out ,will tell you all you need to know

    good luck

  3. "Heros severus (previously known as Cichlasoma severum), is a freshwater tropical cichlid native to the Amazon region in South America. It is commonly found in the aquarium trade, often in its gold colored variation rather than the wild-type olive green one. The gold coloration appears to be caused by a single gene and is recessive to the green variation. There has been mention of certain "specialized" types of severums for sale in some aquarium stores. One of these variations is the "Orange Neck-Tie" severum. The severum is also known as banded cichlid.

    Severums in the aquarium trade may not be actual Heros severus but hybrids with Heros efasciatus.

    As an aquarium fish, the severum is a relatively mild-tempered cichlid, although aggression is not uncommon. It grows to a length of 6-12 inches, is omnivorous, but will benefit from vegetable matter in its diet. Courgette, peas, and lettuce will be eaten with relish, as will commercially available herbivore foods. If sufficient green-matter is not included in its diet, it may eat aquarium plants. It can get along well with much smaller fish in a community aquarium - however it may eat fish that are small enough to fit into its mouth. When mating, severums become very aggressive and territorial. The pair will guard several hundred eggs. Unlike Angel fish, Heros severus lays their clutch of eggs on a horizontal surface, rather than vertical. This is usually on a flat piece of slate, driftwood, or a round rock. The parents will tend to the eggs very carefully, eating the dead ones, and aerating the live eggs.

    In general, this is a hardy and robust fish with lots of character. However, it does require a fairly large aquarium, with the usual neotropical cichlid requirements of good biological filtration and sound husbandry. Decor is not generally important, but the fish can be shy without some hiding places to retreat to, and care should be taken to ensure any rocks included do not harden the water too much as the fish originates from soft acidic water."

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