
Can anyone tell me about Sweden?

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I'm planning on studying in Sweden but i'm from Asia (Nepal) and i don't speak english. I have other options too (Australia, Singapore and US) but i wanna go to Sweden cause i like that place and people. Do i need to be able to speak Swedish in order to get into universities there? Also is there a good scope for "Sales & Marketing or Hotel Management / Hospitality" meaning that will i get jobs easily after i finish university??




  1. You either need to speak Swedish or English to apply for universities in Sweden. If you speak neither language then you may not apply.

    This website shows you all the options you have as an international student in Sweden

    Do you mean if you can get a job in Sweden or in your country after your studying?

    If you wish to work in Sweden you will have to apply for a work visa which aren't that easy to get.

    Secondly, jobs in Sweden in general are not that easy to come by if you are looking at higher positions. You will have to learn fluent Swedish and be willing to take whatever position is available.

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