
Can anyone tell me about Voltage in series and parallel circuits ?

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I need to know about Voltage can any one help me with the following questions, if you could it would be muh appreciated.

1. What is the instrument used to measure voltage, how is it connected and what is the symbol.

2 fill in the gaps.


(a) Cells connected in series- A__ up the voltage of each.

(b) Lamps in series- The voltage of each ______ _____ yo the amount supplied, and are d______ the more you add.

3 PARALLEL fill in the gaps

(a) cells connected in parallel- S_____ voltage as one, but 1_____ 1_______

(b) Lamps in parallel - The voltage in each branch is the _____ as the amount suppled.

Please Help !




  1. Its called a voltmeter.  You put it in parallel with a circuit.

    I've seen a circle with a "V" used as the symbol

    2 (a) Add

      (b) adds up (to the amount supplied)

      (c) dimmer

    3 (a) Share, Increase Load (current)

      (b)  Same

  2. 1.The instrument is known as voltmeter and this appratus is connect in parallel to resistance.


  3. hi.. in case of series connection voltage vary, but current remain constant

      R1                 R2                       R3

    ******-------------********-----------... I (current)

    V1                    V2                      V3                

    in case of parallel connection, current distributes, and voltage remains same... Dear

  4. Q1. To measure voltage use a voltmeter or one of the voltage settings on a multimeter. It must be connected in parallel with the component being measured. The symbol is a circle with a capital V inside.

    Q2a.  Cells in series you ADD the voltages together.

    Q2b.      Lamps in series the voltage of each ADDS UP to the amount supplied, and are DIMMED the more you add

    Q3a.  Cells connected in parallel. SHARE voltage as one, but 1 cell 1 voltage.

    Q3b.  Lamps connected in parallel. The voltage in each branch is the SAME as the amount supplied

    To Help understand the concept of series and parallel consider say 6 house bricks 6 inches long. The question is how long (horizontally) are those bricks?

    Laid end to end (In Series)  the length would be 6X6 or 36 inches

    So 6 x 6 volt batteries in series = 36 Volts

    If the bricks are laid one on top of the other the horizontal length is 6 inches

    If 6 x 6 volt batteries are connected in parallel the voltage is 6 Volts

  5. 1- The instrument is voltmeter. voltmeter is connected parallel because of its huge resistance and its symbol is a "V" in a circle.

    2- Cells connected in series add up the voltage of each.

      Lamps in series - the voltage of each is equal section of the amount supplied and are decreased the more you add.

    3- Cells connected in parallel - same voltage as one , but supplied ampere is added up .

    Lamps in parallel - the voltage of each branch is the same as the amount supplied .  

  6. 1. Voltage is measured by a volt meter which is placed in parallel with the load. Ex: across the terminals ot a light bulb. Voltage is represented by E and sometimes V.

    2. a.The voltage off cells connected in series adds.

        b. The voltage across each lamp in series .decreases The more lamps that are added the dimmer each one becomes.

    3. a.The total voltage of cells connected in parallel is the same as the voltage across each cell

         b.The voltage in each branch of a parallel circuit is the same.

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