
Can anyone tell me about hypnosis?

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I want to experience it and was wondering if it can be done on line or you have to actually meet someone to do it. really want to try it but don't want to meet some stranger do try it.




  1. Hypnosis is done in person. You should find a psychologist who has received training in hypnosis (not every psychologist is trained in this form of healing). Check out for more info.  

  2. Hypnosis should be done under supervision at first, especially if your dealing with emotional or traumatic issues.

    Once you've been to a hypnotist then you will have an idea of whether your brain can handle it or not on your own.

  3. Amanda

    A hypnotic state is a normal state.

    Self hypnosis can be used as can visiting a hypnotherapist, but it isnt a game it is a therapy.

    Maybe if you want to use it for fun you could try to find a hypnotist, which is a stage act.


  4. Hypnotism is a "trick" that works really well.  The hypnotist slowly gets you to trust him/her completely and fall into a state of consciousness where he/she has control.  A common way that really works is with a swinging watch or something just like in schlocky movies and TV.  But the trick is that the hypnotist watches your face closely.  Looking at a swinging watch is boring; your eyes will begin to waver and you'll be about to blink.  This is when the hypnotist says "you're getting sleepy."  And because he/she tells you even before you truly realize it yourself you begin to trust that he already has this control over you enough to make you sleepy just by saying it's so.  And it goes on from there with him/her "tricking" you into thinking that they are already in control of your autonomic functions.  They do it long enough and BAM you'll do whatever they say because they've proven to you that they already control you.  

    That's sort of the basics which means that it's MUCH easier for it to be done in person.  You can learn to hypnotize yourself but it really is easier if you get used to being in that state with someone else's help first.

    By the way, it is a myth that a hypnotist can't make you do something you would never normally do.  They can but it's easier for someone to let down their guard and get hypnotized if they think nothing really so bad can happen.  Just so you know.

  5. it should be done in person...especially the first time..

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