
Can anyone tell me about places to visit in Naples?

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Can anyone tell me about places to visit in Naples?




  1. well there is my old school I went to in pina di mari..and then my uncle's iron work shop..and even the military base my father worked at..I lived there as a child ..h**l I was born there..Napoli...enjoy the food ..I miss the pizza and coffee so much..I should go back..look on line for places..have fun..

  2. it also depends on how much time you have to spend there.

    actually the city itself isn't that good.... sure, it's very pitoresque, with all the lanes, but also too crowded. i just suggest you a walk along "via caracciolo" on the seaside from "castel dell'ovo" to "piazza dei martiri". if you want to go shopping, if your budget is quite high, you could go ahead from "piazza dei martiri", to "via filangieri" and "via dei mille". than, for less expensive shopping go to "via chiaia" and "via roma" (also known as "via toledo"), in this way you'll cross also the most famous square of naples, "piazza del plebiscito".

    but i suggest you better to see the area around naples, it's definetely much interesting.

    of course pompei and ercolano, the roman cities buried by the vesuvio. than, on the coast, i suggest you to go to amalfi and positano rather than to sorrento. to me positano is one of the best places in the world.

    that there are the famous islands, capri and ischia. in ischia you should go to the baths and in capri you'll have one of the best sights of ever.

    still, last but not least, go to caserta to visit the royal palace. maybe the rooms aren't as beautiful as the ones of versailles, but the park is definitely much better!!!!!

    enjoy your stay

  3. -Basilica Di Santa Chiara

    -Chiesa di San Domenico Maggiore


    -Museo Archeologico Nazionale

    -Palazzo Reale




    & oh try their pizza. The best in the world.


  4. You can go to Caserta, to visit the beautiful Reggia.

    or you can visit the islands around Naples: Capri and Ischia are my favourites!

    and then Pompei and Ercolano, of course.

  5. Capri, Pompei, Sorrento, Amalfi coast

  6. From Naples you can easily go to Sorrento.  Also visit the Island of Capri, home of the famous blue grotto.  Pompeii is another place that isn't far from Naples.

  7. It's not part of Naples but take a ferry to Capri.  I cannot begin to describe how fantastic that place is.  

    A boat tour boat tour around the island will have you sold for life.

    If you do go on the boat tour, you'll probably go under one of the three "faragnomi" them haha.  The boat tour guide will probably tell you to think of a woman to throw a kiss to...when you throw this kiss as you sail under the faragnomi, this woman is supposed to become pregnant soon.  While not the most sane is entertaining nonetheless...

    If you do in fact go and it's a nice day out, you have to see the Blue Grotto.  When I went two years ago it was 8 euros and you go in this canoe through this small opening into a cave.  The sunlight shines into the water and creates this electric blue color.  Absolutely wild!  

    I was very impressed by the natural beauty of hte island.  You can see Vesuvius from it (we were lucky- in Sorrento, where we stayed, we had a hotel room where the door could be opened and outside was this gorgeous view of Vesuvius...I actually remember the hotel's name...hotel jaccarino.)

    I could go on and on for days about how you should go to capri.  If i could show you all of my pictures, I would.  Seeing it and remembering it just make life worth living so much more.

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