
Can anyone tell me about spirit guides and other side i mean whats on other side i have exped some things that

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it was a men a young men with long dark hair lying next to he was sleeping but shielding me with his hand(nothing sexual) i was still afraid but i started to pry with the mean voice telling the shadow to leave when i woke up i i wondered who was that in my dream and since that dream i don't see those nasty shadows not very often i was kind of wondering around yahoo answers asking questions until i found the right one than i red abut spirit guides and make connection thanks for all answers




  1. Here's a link about "Shadow People". Hope it will help. I don't know about the red mist. Sounds like your experience opened you up to the paranormal. Do the kids see it too? Are you the only one who sees it? How often does this happen? Does it only happen in your house? Maybe your house is haunted.I think a lot of people will come on in the morning who might be able to help you. I don't know that much yet.I see you've been trying for a long time to get some understanding of what's happening to you. Keep trying..maybe someone will have the answers. Here's the link I mentioned.:

    red mist:

    Edit..dsevad...I think you're doing pretty well with your English..lots better than I could ever do with YOUR language.

    Edit..Right now at 2AM EST..Paranormal State is on and the girl sees the Shadow People.

    Edit..dzevad...You have to be careful who you tell about these things.

  2. I can never understand why everyone is afraid of spirits and want to get rid of them. There is nothing wrong with the helpful ones. There is nothing to be afraid of.

    I would be very grateful to any protective spirit guide. It would make me feel reassured. I suggest that you thank that guide for being there for you and ask him to stay and help you for as long as you need or until he feels his work is done.

    To have help from the other side is a blessing.

  3. dude you are creeping me out! do you realy have to put sfuff like this on here!!! god i'm gona have nightmares!

  4. Yeah, that guy in your bed in your dream... that was your spirit guide showing himself to you. He was in your bed protecting you from those things. All you have to do is tell them to leave. You want to learn to protect yourself--see your house surrounded, above and below the earth, in a bubble of pure, bright white light. I see this as the light of Christ, but if you're not religious it doesn't have to be, but see it as a solid bubble, not just an outline around the house, so that the light infuses every crack and crevice. It will keep out those dark ones. you might also burn candles, white ones; they represent Christ's light as well.

    Oh, the hand in your stomach... someone made you faint, so that you'd seek help, my guess is it was your spirit guide. But it's very normal to begin to experience the paranormal after a near-death experience.

    Peace to you.


    Yes, a spirit guide will often feel familiar. The first time I met mine I felt the need to hug him, and I don't hug people. I've always felt a very strong bond with him. And they are very protective.

  5. I too was afraid at first, and once told her to leave..... she eventually came back. I am happy that she did, I have learned a lot from her. My spirit guides name is Erica, she has been by my side for over three years, close to four. She first came the day I prayed for help and protection, I had a hard time raising my son, he was two at the time. She would wake me when he was sick, or wake me to let me know that he's up and getting into trouble. Usually she was completely white shadow and glowed, but sometimes she was grayish.

    If I am asleep, and she came my third eye would open, at times she appeared as a dark shadow. But usually white to grayish.

    Once we communicated some, she was always very gentle, compassionate, and comforting....especially the first time she spoke to me, I wasn't scared anymore, my first thought was, "she's an angel"

    If you see it again, speak to it and ask questions, they can answer you back either out loud, whisper or telepathy....they speak through dreams. I haven't seen or felt her touch or any communication in four months now....but recently feel a spirits presences, perhaps checking in, they do that a lot while your asleep. I seen her come out of my sons room, she checks on him too.

  6. I saw a shadow spirit once and didn't like it either. I read that they could be our perception not being high enough to see all of them, or they're not in our world enough, so that although we can see them what we see is their shadow because light can't pass through what is there. I just decided that it wasn't going to scare me and I don't let it scare me. They can only hurt you if you let them. Go to a psychic and ask them what the spirit wants. Good luck! Be brave and don't let it get the better of you.

  7. Okay, first of all, what you are talking about here is in the spirit realm.  Demonic spirits.  If you believe in demonic spirits (& after what you've gone through, I'm sure you do) then you've got to know that there is One that is greater in the spirit world & that is God.  He is the One who created you & loves you.  He loved you so much that He sent Jesus to rescue you in such a time as this even.  But not just in times like this but to be with you always.  Here is a link on how to know Him personally.  Once you have the authority that God has, you will have the authority you need to cast these spirits out of your home.

    Here is another link on the believer's authority:

    Remember, God is greater!!  He can & WILL get you through this if you just trust in Him.

    Also, you need to find a good Bible believing church (I'd recommend Assembly of God)  in your area.  Talk to the pastor & ask him to pray with you too if you want.  I'm sure he'd be happy to!

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