
Can anyone tell me about the culture, people and society in Peru?

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For example, I have been told that kisses on the cheek is a way of greeting someone.




  1. Kisses on the cheek ist ok just with people you know (close friends, family) or if you are being introduce to someone else.

    I'm peruvian, and believe me, there's not much difference besides the kissing thing.

    Let me know if you have further questions :)

  2. Kissing only women, and not if she is your boss or something.

    we speak a lot in dimminutives form, and usually take a big deal about the "please and thank you" in that way you always will have good service.

    You can buy with soles or dollars, and you can exchange money freely (different from Santiago and Buenos Aires), and also can buy with credit cards but always have to carry with you your passaport.

  3. yes, we usually kiss a friend or a family member on the cheek. Kind of informal way of greeting...not as informal as just saying Hi!.

    When entering a room full of people, you just say hi to everyone in order not to kiss each one by one. But if there are few people..kissing is OK

    But not kissing on the cheek in a formal meeting (your boss or a professor)

  4. I've travelled through Peru for 7 weeks and I wasn't asked to kiss anyone on the cheek.  I was a tourist and so perhaps that was a special circumstance.  When I lived with a family in Ecuador it was customary to kiss another woman on the cheek if you knew her or in formal circumstances, otherwise a simple "Hola" was okay.

  5. well, i'm peruvian and i can tell you that our society is very diverse, the culture and customs depend the region (coast, highlands or jungle). But in general, we are friendly, the kisses are for say hello and goodbye you can give them with a hug also... I can help you and tell you more if you say the exact location that you are going to...

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