
Can anyone tell me about the martial art school "Dojang", in Vancouver B.C.?

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I know that in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada some guy has opened up his own chain of martial art schools called "dojang". I'm just wondering does anyone know anything about these guys? are they any good or not? do they teach authentic martial arts? mixed martial arts? some c**p just thrown together? I know their website is




  1. Hi,

    I can't say for sure but my gut tells me it is mostly just c**p thrown together.

    The site is well done. They have been training for a while...

    but there are a few things to make me pause...

    like earning 2 different 3rd degree belts in 5 years? Or was it just he got them within a 5 year span (ie... one was 10 years and one was 15 years of study but he got the 3rd degree in each of them within that 5 year period... does that make sense?) If so, why doesn't he say so clearly or is he misleading visitors on purpose?

    That is just one example...

    I won't say avoid that place but I would be careful.

    The best thing to do is ask a few instructors in vancouver about this place. Most won't say anything glowing about "competition" but if they really speak badly, then beware.

    And avoid contracts. Good places usually don't need them or use them...

  2. That's the Korean word for 'Dojo.' It's probably some sort of Korean style school. Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido, etc

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