There is a glass paperweight that has sort of been passed down in my family and now I have it. It is probably about 3 inches across and maybe an inch thick, and it's roundish but it has faceted edges. If i had to call it a shape I would say it's an octagon because it has 8 sides, but it's not a perfect octagon shape. The glass has a purplish hue but it is still very transparent. On the bottom it says Pullman Co. It is stamped onto the bottom so that if you feel the bottom of it the letters are raised up, and you read it through the paper weight, so if you turned it upside down the words are backwards. Sorry I'm not very good with descriptions. Anyways, I have been looking everywhere online to see if I can find out anything, but I haven't had any luck. Anyone know anything, despite my bad description skills?? Thanks!